Work life motivation with VTpass

Working is not quite something everyone enjoys. In fact, if it were possible, a whole lot of people would prefer to live without it. But then, to work is to be part of life; to work is to live. Because as Benjamin Franklin puts it, “it is the working man who is the happy man.” Needless to say, doing great work the easy and convenient way makes anyone happy. You can make your work easy, faster and better with VTpass. VTpass is an online payment platform that helps you pay your everyday bills in just three easy steps. First, you log on to Then, you go ahead to select your payment and pay the easy way. With VTpass, you can pay your electricity bills, cable tv subscriptions just as you can pay for your airtime and data. Now, maybe you feel you are not doing great work or you are beginning to feel the drudgery of hard work. Then, what you need is a work-life motivation.

Today is a motivational Monday and it’s good you begin the week by looking on the bright side of thing. Here are some motivational tips that will definitely up your week.

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Always remember to fall asleep with a dream and wake up with a purpose

Turn your face to the sun and your shadows will fall behind you- Novemberschild

Work hard, stay positive and get up early. It’s the best part of the day- George Allen

Related imageKeep away from the people that try to belittle your ambitions. Small  people always do that, but the really great can make you feel that, you too, can become great- Mark Twain

All successes begin with discipline. It starts with you- Dwayne Johnson

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If you want something you’ve never had, then you’ve got to do something you’ve never done.

Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come- Dwayne Johnson.

Image result for worklife quotesChoose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life- Confuscius.

Everyday you waste is one you can never make up- George Allen Sr.

Basically, it’s all about believing in what you do and then giving your best. At VTpass, we pride ourselves in giving our best to you. We are in the business of making life convenient for you by helping you pay your daily bills. So, you want to buy your Mtn, Airtel, 9mobile and Glo airtime, data? You want to pay electricity bills and TV subscriptions? You can rely on to help you do this the easiest and fastest way.

Technological developments you should expect this year

The year 2017 saw an immense bout of growth and advancement in technological performances. For instance, several organisations responsible for the social media apps online added new features to their platforms. Even so, a few of them released new versions or editions of their apps. Facebook, for one, introduced Messenger Kids just as Instagram brought on Instagram direct. Again, the Apple company pushed into the market new iPhone versions- iPhone 8, 8+ and iPhone 10. This is not to talk of the embrace of cryptocurrencies last year.

Also, Artificial intelligence took a new turn with Google’s proposed establishment of their first AI research centre in China. China is also progressively active in the development of AI-related technology. So that they have been able to develop self-driving trains, buses and cars. Indeed, 2017 saw the beginning of great things. It is in this regard that VTpass, as an organisation, falls in line as one technological inventive that has come to stay. With our higher up technological prowess, we have been able to devise a stable means through which people, anybody, can pay their everyday bills with convenience.

By simply logging on to, you can pay your electricity bills, tv subscriptions, airtime, data and so many more. And all these too in three easy steps- Log on, Select and Pay. Well, enough talk about payments. We should get down to knowing what technological developments to expect this year.

1. Space

Several discoveries with regards to the outer world are already in the works. But this year, several dark layers will receive more light. For one, scientists predict that quantum mechanics is likely to rub off on spacetime. So that the quantum nature of spacetime itself is put on a clear board.

2. Accurate Data

Innovations, which in many ways, will make data compilation and extraction is going to happen this year. And of course, the presence of accurate data will do a lot to help various sectors like the health and security sectors. Also, biologists aim at developing an accurate data system that will help them with determining more about organisms and embryos. The field of synthetic biology has more to do with this.

3. Relativity

Einstein’s relativity goes beyond the theoretical body it entails. It has led to a mass of discoveries. And this year, it will yet lead to many more.

4. Artificial Intelligence

No doubt, Artificial Intelligence is bound to soar this year. And by soar, we mean that AI machines will be trained personnel that can multitask without the need for a manual reset. They will be in every aspect of human life; politics, gaming, science, sports, everywhere.

5. Weather Forecast

If there is any one thing to admit, it is that weather forecasting is mostly seen as a joke by many. But this is not to say they have not been major breakthroughs in this regard. Technologists now say that weather forecasting will be better this year.

6. Genome Editing

Imagine being able to edit genes and get rid of rare diseases in the body. Well, this technological development has been going on for a while. And it is just about to explode this year.

7. Cryptocurrency

So, it is already becoming clear to most people that cryptocurrencies are set to rule the world. And 2018 is going to be one epic year for the crypto revolutionary change that is to come.

VTpass, with its exceptional ease and speed in settling bills, are constantly in the business of utilising the latest technological aids. Hence, you can trust us to help you pay your electricity bills, Dstv, Gotv and Startimes subscriptions. Just as you can very well buy your Mtn, Airtel, Glo and 9mobile airtime and data through our website, We are safe, reliable and we deliver right on time.

How to adjust properly to work life after the new year celebration

So, you had fun during the Christmas and new year celebrations, right? Your life took on a breezy, festive mood and you rested easy. But the new year is over now, the celebrations are over, so what next? Evidently, you get to resume back to everything; back to the real world, back to the rush and definitely back to work. And really, it can be very difficult trying to pull your head out of the cloud and focus on the tasks ahead. What you need is learning some work adjustment skills. And here, we will reel out those things you need to know and do.

But first, let’s quickly get some basic tasks out of the way already. You ever heard of VTpass? VTpass is an online payment platform that reduces your tasks and makes life easier by providing just the right platform for you to pay your bills. And that is through By logging on to at any time, you get to settle your everyday bills. Daily payments like electricity bills, airtime, data and tv subscriptions are paid off in three easy steps. That is, by logging in, selecting your payment and paying through the available methods. It’s quite simple, right?

Now, let’s get on how you can get back into your work life, in spite of the holidays.

Blend your work life with your natural personality

When trying to adjust to your work life this year, you can’t go all out and try to push yourself too hard. This will only make exhaust you on time. So, the best thing to do is to blend work into your natural you. Let’s say, you are not much of a morning person. Now, you can get to work and while away your morning checking emails and trying to keep your eyes open. But once they are open and you are wide awake, you get into work hard and tight. And if you are a morning person, you do not play with your mornings in any way.

Related imageMeetings can kill your enthusiasm, stay away

You know how everyone is usually in a frenzy to hold meetings with employees at the start of the year? Well, this might look terribly okay, it can be much of a time-waster. This is especially when the meetings roll over to several hours and days. Also, some meetings tend to instil fear and pressure into the minds of employees. So, you want to adjust well and achieve more. Then put a check on the numbers of meetings you attend.

Start the part of the job description you love the most

You know you loved the holiday so much that you hate your work more. This is usually the trend. Well, there must be some part of the work you love. Maybe the part where you get to call clients or get some data. Why don’t you start off on this good note?

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Get into symbiotic friendships

Coming back to a cold, steel work environment with no one to talk to isn’t exactly the best definition of adjustment. In fact, it is prone to drain your work spirit on time. So, why not mingle with the good fellas and get yourself some friends to brighten your early work life.

Image result for beautiful workspaceCreate a conducive workspace

Talking about a cold, steel environment, you will also need to make your workspace as comfortable and convenient as possible. This can mean painting your office a different colour, changing the position of things. And it can also mean putting up things that make your space homely.

Embrace the changes that will come

Of course, it’s a new year and new things will happen. You can’t work or think like the year before. You have to find a new way to work around the new things that hit your work chart.

Do not compare yourself to others

So, many problems come when people try to compare themselves. They point to a particular person who has a ton of work, and a handful of children by the side. Yet is still able to manage work affairs. And then, they wonder why they can’t be like that person or do better. Even though this is quite a good way to motivate one’s self, it does more harm than good.

Make apt and quick decisions

You will, however, do more if you are able to make quick and apt decisions. This will help you save time as well as focus your energy on more productive things.

Image result for workaholicWork hard, but work less

This new year, you have to make a pact with hard work. That is the way to go. But then, working hard does not necessarily mean you have to consume all hours trying to get tasks done. With a good schedule, you should be able to work less and get more dividends.

Know when you need a hug

It’s inevitable. We all get tired at a point and we need to get love and attention at that moment. As you work your way through the new year, you should know when you need a break and a life support.

Know when to do what to do

Knowing what right thing to do at the right time is one way you can make life easier and better this new year. Foresight helps make mental and physical tasks more enjoyable and fun.

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Set goals and deadlines

More than anything, setting short and long-term goals for the year is sure to help your mindset adjust properly to the right ethics you need to adopt. As you are reaching out for something, you are sure to make every part of you agree with your plan, goals and deadlines.


Get on a successful year with VTpass. With VTpass, you are sure to adapt more quickly to the routines of work life. This is because you get to settle bills more efficiently. It is even more appropriate if you work for yourself. By logging on to, you can buy your Mtn, Airtel, Glo and 9mobile airtime and data. You can also pay your electricity bills and Dstv, Gotv and Startimes with ease. Life can only get better with VTpass.



Christmas Preparations: The Eleventh Hour

It will be quite an understatement to say that Christmas is very near. Because it is in fact here already. Just a few days more and Christmas would be knocking on everyone’s door. But of course, you are not just realising this, right? So, the fact that you are checking up on this must mean that one way or the other, you got too busy to fix Christmas into your schedule. And now, you have to hurry up to make Christmas preparations at the very eleventh hour.

Well, this is nothing to worry about. With the tips below, you will be able to get around to a wonderful Christmas celebration.

So, Christmas is coming just as fast as you need to settle those expenses on your neck. You can jostle between the two well enough with VTpass is an online payment platform that allows you to make payments for your everyday bills. You can pay for your airtime, data, tv subscriptions and even electricity bills. Really, we got your back when it comes to bill payments. So, you can go on and make your final Christmas preparations.

Here are few tips that can help you make that happen:

Surface Cleaning

Image result for surface cleaningNow, you are going to have an eleventh-hour Christmas celebration so you can’t afford to have your house all dirty and looking like a pig sty. But then, you don’t have all the time in the world to scrub everywhere clean. Well, you have two options in this case. You can either choose to delegate the cleaning of your house to some cleaning company or you can do a surface cleaning. This is more like doing a rub and shine. So that while you do not clean everywhere till they squeak, you can do a little work here and there to make sure your house looks homely and neat.

Group Work

Image result for preparing for Christmas as a groupFirst off, since it’s already the eleventh hour, then you can’t do it on your own. You have to work with everybody in the family. This is to ensure that everyone’s needs and preferences are put into consideration. Again, you should delegate responsibilities to the people around you. While you do one thing, they can help out in taking care of other things. So yes, for last minute Christmas preparations, you may not have the time to do a secret party or throw some elaborate surprise. But then, better late than never, right?


Image result for looking at a cookbookNow, a late Christmas preparation isn’t usually the time to start digging out a very complicated recipe. Rather, do try to pick a menu option with an easier and lesser recipe. In fact, choose the very basic of all meals. But then, it must still complement the spirit of the season. So, for instance, you can bake a plain or fruitcake, and then, you can prepare pasta or rice with a very tasty meat sauce. There, you have a Christmas meal.

Priceless Gifts

Image result for woman wrapping gift for ChristmasYou know, when it comes to gifts and all, there is an advantage to thinking them much later. And the advantage to this is that you get to pick the right ones. There is some sort of anxiety that comes with trying to choose the right present to give to your loved ones. Most times, you eventually go all out to buy a lot of things but most of these things don’t come in handy in the long run. But when you get to choose under pressure, you apparently don’t worry picking the things that seem nice to you. You just worry about being able to give your family and friends something appreciable. And then quite surprisingly, what you feel is very trivial to them would eventually turn out to be something they have always wanted from someone else.

So, you don’t have to worry about how late you get the gifts. You just have to make whatever you get for your loved ones look and feel really special. And talking about special, do not forget to wrap the gifts as soon as you get them. You don’t want anyone peeping on them, do you?


Related imageMusic, in general, manages to make anything come alive. Use this to your advantage during your Christmas preparations and after. Play your favourite songs and turn up the volume of your stereo. And then dance away with your family. This tunes up your festive spirit and makes your Christmas worth celebrating.

Be Happy

Image result for a happy family during ChristmasThis is the real deal. No one, no season, nothing can make you happy except yourself. So if you want to get in tune with the festive season; if you want to crown your Christmas celebration. Then, you have to be happy. Eat, drink and be merry. Invite your friends and go out with a smiling face. And then, no matter what happens this Christmas, don’t let it get you down.

So, while you are out there living Christmas, do make sure to settle your expenses the easy way. With VTpass, you can make this happen. Simply log on to and you get to pay for your MTN, AIRTEL,9MOBILE, GLO airtime and data. And you can also pay your electricity bills as well as your GOTV, DSTV and STARTIMES subscriptions. And you know the most interesting part, you can pay your bills anywhere and at any time. So, what this means is that you can as well pay your bills conveniently during the Christmas and New Year holiday. Log on to now for a better way to pay your bills.


Christmas is fast approaching and many are looking forward to having a memorable celebration. But then, as far as many are concerned, work still goes on right up until the Christmas break. In fact, many more people see the holiday period as the season of booming sales for them. So, although they still want to have a blast of a Christmas, they can’t afford to make it happen. But then, you do not have to settle for a lifeless Christmas just because of work. You can make your Christmas come alive by shopping the digital way.

So, you need to pay your everyday bills and get your daily services in the nick of time? Then, log right on to on your phone or laptop. With, you can pay your electricity bills, airtime, data and tv subscriptions. What this means is you do not have to run around, trying to get these bills fixed. Because with your phone in your palms, you can settle your daily bills. Evidently, this reduces the slug on your shoulders and gets you going on more serious Christmas celebrations.

Now, here is a catalogue of just what you will need to brighten up your Christmas and just where you will get them the digital way. You can even bear to have a Christmas party without having to skip work or miss out on more money.

Christmas cards

Image result for christmas cards

Let’s start with these. Do you know you can have your personalized Christmas cards? You get to design it yourself, pick festive fonts and themes. And then, you can as well add your favourite personal or favourite pictures. Afterwards, you go on to print it. Not only that, you can customise mugs and every other such thing. It’s easy.

Visit to get this for yourself.

Christmas trees

Image result for christmas trees

There is no way you can boast of a good Christmas without having a Christmas tree. You too busy to go hunt down one? Well, guess what? You can order this online. Go to to get your Christmas tree.

Christmas decorations

Image result for christmas decorations ideas

To beautify your home the Christmas way, you need just the right Christmas themes to work with. You can reach out to any of these digital addresses to get your Christmas decoration ideas:

You can get any of your Christmas decoration items here:,fja,qhe

Christmas gifts

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And yes, you would want to get Christmas presents for the ones you love- your kids, your friends and hubbies. Here are five good places to buy nice Christmas presents:

Amazon Prime

Best Buy

Currys PC World




Uncommon Goods

With these sites, you can have your gifts shipped down to you and delivered on time.

Santa Claus


Image result for santa claus

Do you know you can rent a personal Santa Claus to come home and surprise your kids? Check out this link,, to find out more.


Image result for christmas food offers the best bet at getting all the food items you need for the Christmas season. And if you want to order already prepared food, then you would want to check out Then you can also look up on


Image result for christmas drink

You can order your drinks from

So, you can quite see that you can have an eventful Christmas without having to leave your comfort zone. VTpass makes things even better. You can pay your everyday bills anywhere you are and at any time by logging on to VTpass is your one-stop convenient online payment platform. With VTpass, you can easily pay for your MTN, GLO, AIRTEL, 9MOBILE airtime and data. You can also pay your electricity bills and tv subscriptions on This Christmas, go all out to have the time of your life the digital way.



It’s near Christmas and expectations are soaring. As always, the buildup to Christmas, for most people, means the need to make more money and settle more bills. And yes, it can be quite cumbersome trying to jostle between the many things you have to do now. And this especially concerns settling bills and paying for expenses. Well, with, you have got one less thing to worry about. So, VTpass is an online payment platform and by logging in to, you get to pay your everyday bills. And this too in just three steps. You can pay your electricity bills, tv subscriptions, airtime and data right on the platform. Really, it’s an easy, convenient way to enjoy Christmas. So, talking about enjoying Christmas, one great way to do this is to watch Christmas movies.

But does this sound weird or overrated to you? Then you would want to know watching movies that talk about Christmas is like experiencing it. In fact, this is usually a norm for some families, gathering together to see Christmas movies. They give you the feeling of the season. Just as they inspire various ideas on how to spend the Christmas. And yes, the best time to watch is during the weekend. So, you are thinking of gazing at one or two movies, but don’t know which one to see? Well, here are the top ten trendy Christmas movies you can watch this weekend.

A Princess for Christmas (2011)

The plot centers around a lady with two kids to take care of and a whole lot of Christmas troubles. Well, this is just until she incidentally becomes a princess for Christmas in a far far away land.

A Christmas Carol (2009)

This wholesome Christmas story is based on a novel by Charles Dickens. It is centred on a theme that is as old as time: the ghost and spirit of Christmas. And of course, there is the old miser who hates Christmas and incurs the wrath of the spirit. This film is a must watch for any one who wants to have a taste of Christmas salted with the painful reality of life.

The Polar Express (2004)

The Polar Express is also based on a novel. And it is also an animation. But rather than concentrate on an old miserly man, it focuses on a sweet, young boy who believes so much in Christmas and takes an unguided journey to the Polar Express despite the myth clouding its existence. And does he find who he is looking for?

Dr. Seuss ‘How the Grinch stole Christmas’ (2000)

Christmas becomes meaner with the Grinch threatening to break the wits of everyone he comes across. But little Sue’s wits and guts is way too solid to be broken. And in a quite innocent way, she breaks the Grinch and finds his heart. Jim Carrey, who is the Grinch, takes on a whole new character here.

Bad Santa (2003, 2016)

Now in this film, Santa is the naughty one and he is nowhere near the nice list. And who is going to put him straight? Actually, this Santa might not be any kid’s favourite. But he sure gains the admiration of one messed up kid. And yes, Bad Santa 2 hit the block last year.

Love Actually (2003, 2017)

This is a Romcom that is compact with movie stars. We have the likes of Emma Thompson, Hugh Grant, Keila Knightley, Liam Nesson, Andrew Lincoln, Alan Rickman etc. It’s a wonder how they all manage to fit into one film. But at the end, it all seems to fit well. Maybe too well. And yes, these all too perfect combos featured their love stories for a second time in Love Actually 2. And this time, they come with red noses.

The Holiday (2006)

An interlinked story of two women who decide to change homes and lifestyle during the Christmas. It takes all their guts for them to adjust. But with the dudes they come across, they find peace in their swapped lives.

The Spirit of Christmas

Not all spirits are spirits. Some of them have souls, a life; some can love. The Spirit of Christmas unveils this sizzling truth the Christmas way.

Arthur Christmas

Christmas becomes a way too serious affair in this animated thriller with technological gadgets, and military elves replacing the good old jolly way of giving gifts. But despite the whole mechanical goings, a child is bound to be without a present. And somebody is set to prevent that from happening in the old traditional way.

Elf (2003)

We can’t fully talk Christmas movies without mentioning this. In this movie, Will Ferrell plays an overgrown elf who grows up in the North pole. And then, in his elfy green and yellow costume, he goes to look for his real father. His real father turns out to be some Wallstreet big boy. Of course, he cannot tolerate his newly found son’s disgusting childish elfish behaviour. But then, blood is thicker than water.

Tyler Perry’s A Madea Christmas

You up for some Tyler Perry’s melodrama and comedy. Then, A Madea Christmas will be just what you need this weekend.

Now, this is one more reason you need VTpass. With, you can get as much data as you need to stream these very amazing Christmas movies. This Christmas promises to be one of the best you have ever had. With a little smile and lots of VTpass, life can only get better.

A personal guide to installing an Operating system

Any new laptop is like a tabula rasa, a clean slate. It merely contains anything that you need or want. So, for a laptop to really come alive, it needs an operating system. And to install this OS, most people consult the help of engineers and computer experts. But then, installing an OS is not really much of a tasking thing to do. In fact, anyone can do it. By following the personal guide here, you will find it easy.  VTpass, an online payment platform values convenience and speed. This is why we make it very easy for you to pay for your everyday services. In just three easy steps, you get to pay for your airtime, data, electricity bills and tv subscriptions on your laptop. You just have to log on to

So, here’s one more way to get convenient: installing an OS personally. So, here’s a personal guide to installing a windows OS.


Image result for office 365Choose the operating system you want to install. To know which one is suitable, you have to know that the system’s requirements. For instance, an older laptop or system may not be able to handle a newer operating system. Again, the storage capacity of the laptop must be able to accommodate the OS you have in mind. Usually, most installations require a 1GB RAM and 15-20% of hard disk storage space. Basically, the requirements differ. Linux, for one, does not consume as much space as Windows.


Image result for linuxPurchase or download your OS of choice: Windows OS should normally be purchased. But you can afford to download Linux.


Image result for office 365Software compatibility: You should make sure the OS you want to download matches the programs you want to use.


The installation disc should come with a product code upon purchase. If you have only the code, you can use it to download a copy of the disc.


Image result for back up filesBack-up: If you are merely reinstalling an OS, then you would need to back up your files. And if you are installing a new OS alongside an old one, you will still need to back up. Most times, it is good to put your data on an external storage device.


If it’s gonna be a dual installation, then you should always install Windows first.


Related imageInsert your installation disc into the system, switch off the laptop and reboot. But first, you have to change some settings in your BIOS to ensure your laptop reboots from the installation disc and not from the hard drive. To change this setting, go to the setup key that shows up during a reboot process. It is usually in the very place you find your manufacturer’s logo like where you get to see hp, dell, Toshiba whatever the case may be. You can also click on F1, F10, F12 or DEL/Delete.


Image result for setup menu, bootOnce you are in the setup menu, find the place where ‘boot‘ is written. Make your CD/DVD drive as the first boot option. Make sure your CD/DVD/USB Drive is well inserted.


For a Linux operating system, you get to test the OS before you install. But this is not usually the case with Windows.


Whatever the OS, it might take some time for the setup program to load as it needs to copy some files for it to work. So, you would need to wait. When it loads, you will need to fill in some basic options as language and layout.


Before or after the installation, you will need to insert your product key. This comes with the installation disc. But this is usually common with Windows OS, not necessarily Linux.


Image result for installation type

Windows usually give you an option to choose your installation type. You can either choose upgrade or custom. But preferably, you should choose custom whether or not you are reinstalling or upgrading the OS. This would prevent the laptop from having issues in the future.


The next step is to choose the partition where you want the OS. Actually, if you installing the Windows, this happens automatically. But you can choose by deleting the partition already there. This will set in an unallocated space. Select the unallocated space and choose your new partition.


In a Linux installation, you will need to fill in your time zone, create a username and password, log in to Linux distribution as well as authorize system changes. The options for doing this are clearly stated. For Windows, you also have to fill in some personal information.


After you fill in the information and enter, you will need to wait for the installation to be complete. This might take some time depending on the speed of your laptop.


After the installation is complete, you can go on to fill in your login details. For one, you will need to fill in your username and/or password. You will also need to put in your product key again. If you are installing a Windows 8 or 10, you can customise the colours and display of your computer.

Well, installing an operating system is as easy as this. Looking for convenient, speedy ways to perform tasks? Then you would want to log on to VTpass allows you to perform your everyday transactions in just three easy steps. You can pay your electricity bills or buy your DSTV, STARTIMES, GOTV subscriptions. You can also pay for your MTN, GLO, AIRTEL and 9MOBILE airtime and data subscriptions. With VTpass, life is always easier.




Firecrackers originated in China from as early as 200 BC. But then, these firecrackers were merely bamboos. These bamboos produced the same loud bang we know now when placed near heat continuously. Soon afterwards, the invention of gunpowder changed everything. And right now, nothing beats the colourful sparkles and crackling sounds that fill the air every Yuletide season. Indeed, bangers and firecrackers make Christmas all the better and better.

But then, what’s a good sound without comfort? And what’s a good banger full Christmas without convenience? Get all the comfort and convenience you need this Yuletide period with VTpass. VTpass is comfort. Right from your comfort, you can pay for your daily services and settle your bills from your phones. So, just by logging in to, you can make payment for your electricity bills, data, tv subscriptions and airtime.

But come to think of it, are these blaring sounds of Christmas still heard today?

Unfortunately, nearly not. Somehow, back in the mid-90s, people began to condemn the use of bangers and firecrackers. Many saw them as noise pollutions, and threats to societal peace. In fact, some thought they posed dangers to the kids who took delights in throwing off these bangers.

Before then, right from December 1, it was not uncommon for kids to herald in the month with the loud sounds of these knockouts. While kids cherished the little bangers they threw on the floor, teenagers liked to deal more with firecrackers. They would throw these firecrackers to the sky and have them splash colours over people’s heads. As the days drew closer to its end, so did the sound increase. And the splashing colours too, they got brighter. Most times, it was hard to tell a street you knew earlier in the year. Because apart from the fact that there would be a lot of colourful adornments, loud banger noises usually blared from all corners.

firecrackersMost adults couldn’t stand the jeering kids who waited in corners to scare them out of their wits. And the kids, they expended all their pocket money in buying these knockouts. In time, it became evident that no one wanted much to do with these explosives. This became even more evident when these explosives, one or the other, led to the jeopardy of some people’s lives. And now, we can only hear these sounds of Christmas in trickles here and there. But even though they may not sound as gallantly and highly as they used. It is apparent that they can never die so far as there are still kids out there.

VTpass wants to offer you comfort and ease this Yuletide period. Log on to to pay your electricity bills and DSTV, STARTIMES and GOTV subscriptions. Also, pay for your MTN, GLO, AIRTEL and 9MOBILE airtime and data subscriptions in three easy steps. It’s simple, safe and reliable.



The end of every month brings with it a new hope for the things that are yet to be. But alongside this new found hope, there are lots of pending bills to pay. It can be frustrating enough trying to balance one’s account at the end of the month. But what is more frustrating is finding a way to settle our bills right on time and with ease. VTpass settles this problem with a reputable technical acumen. By logging on to, you get to pay for, not just your accumulated expenses, but your daily services. Through, you can pay your electricity bills, cable tv subscriptions, airtime, data and so on. So, November is drawing close to its end and it would be good to examine just the sheer significance of the month. And if there is anyone word to qualify November, it would be black. Black November.

Really, there was quite a lot of Black going on in November, the most notable of which is the Black Friday. But is this the reason for the name Black November? Not quite. We can bank the meaning more on a thrilling Nigerian 2012 action drama film. This film was called Black November and it did a lot to mirror the Niger Delta’s struggle against indiscriminate pollution of their environment.

But more than this, Black November has recently come to mean more than this. It now denotes the exhilarating, cheap offers and sales discount that comes with the month. Right from Thanksgiving to Cyber Monday to Black Friday, there are always cheap sales and bonuses going all over. And now, even beyond Black Friday, goods go out at cheaper rates and people buy more in preparation for the incoming days of celebration.

In fact, you would want to know that Black Friday, as a one-day shopping spree is becoming extinct, giving way to the word Black November. “Analysts are proclaiming the death of Black Friday and the rise of Black November.” And although “Black Friday still remains one of the biggest shopping days of the year, but now it shares the spotlight with Thanksgiving, Cyber Monday, and the two weekend days in between. Thanksgiving is now the third-biggest shopping day of the year, behind Black Friday and Cyber Monday”. This was a report by Dennis Green. So, Black Friday is no longer just a day, it is now a whole month. Hence the word Black November.

Even as November fades away, know that you just walked through one of the most exhilarating seasons of the year. But if you did miss some set moments in the month, do not worry. We at VTpass see every month as a celebration and are all out to make you see that too. Do you need to get good services at just the right convenient time? Then, you should partner with us. Through our stable,, you can get your daily services like MTN, GLO, 9MOBILE, AIRTEL airtime and data. You can also get your DSTV, GOTV and STARTIMES tv subscriptions and electricity bills. And what’s more, you get your money’s worth. VTpass is a simple and secure way to celebrate every season.


WAYBACK: History of Electricity in Nigeria

It is somewhat difficult to imagine a time without electricity in Nigeria. This is not to say we have a stable power hold. But, electricity is quite something that has found a place in nearly every home. And there have quite been a lot of changes in the power sector. These changes have in so many ways affected power supply in various capacities. Again, one thing that has changed over time is the payment method. Away from the manual methods of payment that characterised the yesteryears, there are now automatic ways of paying. So that, you can now pay your electricity bills from the comfort of your space and speedily too. One sure way to do this is by logging on to VTpass lets you pay your electricity bills as well as for other daily services in just three easy steps.

So, what’s the history of electricity in Nigeria? Just how and when did we begin to have our lights shining?

We didn’t begin to generate electricity on our own. It was a development wrought at the hands of the British colonial rulers in 1896. The first power plant, was at their behest, set up in Lagos.But then, we weren’t at all ready to have them run the show just they were not ready to as well. So in 1929, electricity generation activities kicked off in full with the creation of the Nigeria Electricity Supply Company (NESCO). Alongside the Public Works Department, they had a mandate to build power plants across. This led to the construction of a hydroelectric power station at Kuru, Jos.

But then, only government officials and houses had access to electricity. However, this was to change when the newly formed Electricity Corporation of Nigeria (ECN) gave the instruction that electricity should be provided for any and all Nigerians who could afford it. This was in 1952. This led to the construction of a 132KV line linking Ijora Power Station and Ibadan Power station. Furthermore, the Niger Dams Authority, established in 1962, went on to open our eyes to the possibility of deriving power from water (hydropower transmission). And this was the beginning of a golden period in Nigeria. But this golden era was not without the amalgamation of NDA and ECN to form the National Electric Power Authority (NEPA).

So, this golden period lasted all through the 1970s to the 1980s. We can say this was due to the fact that the rural areas saw no need for electricity and did not press for it. So, there were enough watts to go round. But this was set to change when the power sector started experiencing a decline in maintenance. And coupled with the fact that more people demanded electricity, the good days of good electricity faded. By 2000, power supply dropped to as low as 1,500 megawatts.

Olusegun Obasanjo, in his time, put in quite some effort to change this trend when he came up with the National Electric Power Policy in 2001. This was led to the creation of the Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN). This administration also came up with the Presidential Action Committee on Power. On and on, other administrations like the GEJ administration, have come up with several other corporations.

On the 1st of November 2013, the existing GENCOS and DISCOS were privatised and a bulk of the administration was handed over to private companies.

Really, it is evident that Nigeria has come a long way when it comes to electricity. And although we are not totally yet at that stage of total illumination, we can say we are getting there. Also, when it comes to paying your electricity bills, there is now an easier and more convenient way. And this is through VTpass. VTpass offers a convenient way of paying everyday services like airtime, data, electricity bills and tv subscriptions. Log on now to to make easy, fast payments for your electricity bills.