Welcome to our first people of Vtpass conversations.
This segment features Busayo Atunnise, the Head of Customer Support. Recognized as a perceptive leader with a passion for singing, Busayo attributes her personal and professional growth to her association with Vtpass. According to her, Vtpass has played a pivotal role in shaping the woman she has evolved into today.
If you could switch your job with anyone else within Vtpass, whose job would you want?
Abiola BD. I like to believe i will also do well in sales and business development. So and our roles slighly intertwine, i will gladly take Abiola’s (BD) role.
What are three [3] words to describe Vtpass?
Tasking, learning phase, building
What have you gained from working at Vtpass?
During my time at Vtpass, I’ve gained a wealth of experience and insights into the dynamic world of online services. This experience has enhanced my ability to navigate and contribute to a fast-paced and ever-evolving landscape. The company’s commitment to excellence has motivated me to consistently strive for improvement and embrace challenges as opportunities for growth.
Do you have any favourite quote
“Do you, the world will adjust.”
Who would you like to be for a day if given a chance
I would love to be a scientist with an endless supply of cash! To create scientific solutions.
Tell us 3 amazing facts about you
- I am from Ewekoro, Ogun State.
- I love fashion, dresses and shoes excite me.
- I think i can live alone in a room for months without seeing anyone.
Thank you, Busayo. This conversation was fun to have! It was lovely to get to know you better.