If there is ever any one activity that will always keep people connected and tickled, it’s travelling. Well, not that kind of travelling you do to go see your relatives or take a new wife. But the adventurous, thrilling travels.Really, it’s fun to visit places way different from what you are used to. You not only get the tingle of changing locations and living a different life in a different time frame, you also get to learn many new, exciting things as well as pick up on some habits and friends that might just change your life. So, if you are looking for a new place to explore and spread your wings, you might just want to try out Jos.
Jos is the capital of Plateau State. And Plateau is one of the thirty-six states in Nigeria. Jos, as a city, has quite a reckoning reputation and heritage which have earned it a place in the heart of locals and other expatriates.
Before we get to talk more about Jos, you would like to know that VTpass identifies with this great city and its people. Our presence is beyond doubt felt as we have made it very easy for nationals to pay for their bills with speed. Just by logging on to vtpass.com, you can, from anywhere in Jos, pay for your electricity bills, phone airtimes, data subscriptions, cable tv subscriptions and lots more.
In any case, here are certain things you should know about Jos.
Every place has a history, no doubt, and Jos is not excluded. Jos is said to have been the natural home of the Nok people. These Nok, who were mostly artisans have since not been found on the Jos grounds. Instead, a group of farming population now inhabit the place. Also, the area gained credence when tin was discovered in its vicinity. This drew the attention of the British colonials in those days. And it also caused a lot of people to migrate there. So that, at the moment, the city actually contains a mix of tribes and people. Even till now, Jos is known as the Tin City.
Again, it would surprise you to know that this city was not exactly named Jos. According to some historians, the original Nok dwellers named it Gwosh. But when a group of Hausa migrants came, they could not quite get to say the word Gwosh. Instead, what they were able to pronounce was Jos. And the name just stuck over time. Not only that, other historians say Jos is a clip from the full name Jasad. The British who could not say Jasad or Jas just as well called it Jos.
From the 2006 census, it is easy enough to say that Jos has a population of 900,000 people. But with the years gone by, this number must have increased. This is not to talk of the constant incoming of people who cannot get enough of the place.
Tourist Centres
Talking about those who can’t get enough, Jos is a sweetheart site for most tourists. And it is also a choice getaway for holiday seekers and vacationists. Why is this so? Well, there is the numerous beautiful places in Jos to start with. Talk of the National Museum, the Wildlife Park, the Rayfield golf centre and resort. Also, we have the University of Jos, with its teaching hospital. You want to feel the pump of the academic world, then this is a place to visit.
One particular place to go see is the Shere Hills, with its Riyom rocks that just about looks animated. Then the Ahmadu Bello Roundabout, the Pottery Hill, Jos-Bukuru dam are places for art and science oriented ones to take delight in. We can go on and on talking about places to see. The bottom line is a tourist can never get bored in Jos.
Jos Electric
So, all of these sightseeing and fun will not go down well if there is no stable energy support to go by. Well, Jos Electricity Distribution Company is that radiant part of Jos that supplies electricity to the people. When you go to Jos, visiting them is not such a bad idea. But if you just want to pay your bills, you do not need to go that far. All you need do is log on to vtpass.com, pay your bill and just like that, you get constant electricity.
Also, you can pay for other services like your MTN, 9MOBILE, GLO, AIRTEL phone airtimes and data subscriptions. You can also pay for your DSTV, STARTIMES AND GOTV subscriptions.

So yes, you must admit that a great place without a great food culture is not great. Then you would like to know that Jos is not lacking when it comes to food. For one, there are new, great, delicious dishes you can pick from the city like the Habib Yoghurt, Tuwo, Kunu etc. Also, there are really nice places to go if you want to be treated to awesome intercontinental dishes. Located in the Railway Terminus market is the Felak Burger Bistro and Meat Shop. Apart from this, the Net Cafe also treats you to great desserts. And for a great main meal, just find your to The Lass. Again, one good thing about this place is that food items, especially agricultural products, are very affordable.
In spite of the religious and ethnic clashes that sometimes occurs in this area, there is still a lot of peace and love between locales in the city. Also, the city is very accommodating and accepts guests well.
Now, ask any tourist and one good news they will tell you about Jos is the climate. Jos is always very cool and temperate even at high altitudes. So that, every once in a while, snowfalls occur. The cool climate and airy atmosphere is one feat no other place in the tropical region of Africa can quite boast of.
If you already are thinking of visiting this amazing place, then you might like to know about Jos’ main airport. Yakubu Gowon Airport, that’s the name. However, there is also an internal airport called Jos Airport that transports people from Lagos to Jos.
- So, at any time you decide to take a leap and cross over to Jos, remember this. VTpass, with its convenient online payment platform vtpass.com, will always be everywhere welcoming you with ease and in grand style.