So, you had fun during the Christmas and new year celebrations, right? Your life took on a breezy, festive mood and you rested easy. But the new year is over now, the celebrations are over, so what next? Evidently, you get to resume back to everything; back to the real world, back to the rush and definitely back to work. And really, it can be very difficult trying to pull your head out of the cloud and focus on the tasks ahead. What you need is learning some work adjustment skills. And here, we will reel out those things you need to know and do.
But first, let’s quickly get some basic tasks out of the way already. You ever heard of VTpass? VTpass is an online payment platform that reduces your tasks and makes life easier by providing just the right platform for you to pay your bills. And that is through By logging on to at any time, you get to settle your everyday bills. Daily payments like electricity bills, airtime, data and tv subscriptions are paid off in three easy steps. That is, by logging in, selecting your payment and paying through the available methods. It’s quite simple, right?
Now, let’s get on how you can get back into your work life, in spite of the holidays.
Blend your work life with your natural personality
When trying to adjust to your work life this year, you can’t go all out and try to push yourself too hard. This will only make exhaust you on time. So, the best thing to do is to blend work into your natural you. Let’s say, you are not much of a morning person. Now, you can get to work and while away your morning checking emails and trying to keep your eyes open. But once they are open and you are wide awake, you get into work hard and tight. And if you are a morning person, you do not play with your mornings in any way.
Meetings can kill your enthusiasm, stay away
You know how everyone is usually in a frenzy to hold meetings with employees at the start of the year? Well, this might look terribly okay, it can be much of a time-waster. This is especially when the meetings roll over to several hours and days. Also, some meetings tend to instil fear and pressure into the minds of employees. So, you want to adjust well and achieve more. Then put a check on the numbers of meetings you attend.
Start the part of the job description you love the most
You know you loved the holiday so much that you hate your work more. This is usually the trend. Well, there must be some part of the work you love. Maybe the part where you get to call clients or get some data. Why don’t you start off on this good note?

Get into symbiotic friendships
Coming back to a cold, steel work environment with no one to talk to isn’t exactly the best definition of adjustment. In fact, it is prone to drain your work spirit on time. So, why not mingle with the good fellas and get yourself some friends to brighten your early work life.
Create a conducive workspace
Talking about a cold, steel environment, you will also need to make your workspace as comfortable and convenient as possible. This can mean painting your office a different colour, changing the position of things. And it can also mean putting up things that make your space homely.
Embrace the changes that will come
Of course, it’s a new year and new things will happen. You can’t work or think like the year before. You have to find a new way to work around the new things that hit your work chart.
Do not compare yourself to others
So, many problems come when people try to compare themselves. They point to a particular person who has a ton of work, and a handful of children by the side. Yet is still able to manage work affairs. And then, they wonder why they can’t be like that person or do better. Even though this is quite a good way to motivate one’s self, it does more harm than good.
Make apt and quick decisions
You will, however, do more if you are able to make quick and apt decisions. This will help you save time as well as focus your energy on more productive things.
Work hard, but work less
This new year, you have to make a pact with hard work. That is the way to go. But then, working hard does not necessarily mean you have to consume all hours trying to get tasks done. With a good schedule, you should be able to work less and get more dividends.
Know when you need a hug
It’s inevitable. We all get tired at a point and we need to get love and attention at that moment. As you work your way through the new year, you should know when you need a break and a life support.
Know when to do what to do
Knowing what right thing to do at the right time is one way you can make life easier and better this new year. Foresight helps make mental and physical tasks more enjoyable and fun.

Set goals and deadlines
More than anything, setting short and long-term goals for the year is sure to help your mindset adjust properly to the right ethics you need to adopt. As you are reaching out for something, you are sure to make every part of you agree with your plan, goals and deadlines.
Get on a successful year with VTpass. With VTpass, you are sure to adapt more quickly to the routines of work life. This is because you get to settle bills more efficiently. It is even more appropriate if you work for yourself. By logging on to, you can buy your Mtn, Airtel, Glo and 9mobile airtime and data. You can also pay your electricity bills and Dstv, Gotv and Startimes with ease. Life can only get better with VTpass.