Are you mentally exhausted and don’t know it? There always exist periods where it seems you lose interest in working and develop what can be described as an apathy towards work. Someone could even say you’re being lazy or laidback towards work.
We’ll walk you through a quick test today to check if you’re dealing with exhaustion or you’re just really lazy.
1. You Don’t Feel Motivated.
Firstly, you don’t feel motivated. Not feeling motivated is not always a sign of laziness, it can actually be a pointer to emotional exhaustion sometimes which arises as a result of the fact that you have done so much brainwork without adequate rest.
2. You Can’t Focus Or Concentrate.
Secondly, you are losing focus. Are you finding it hard to concentrate on what needs to be done? If you find yourself getting distracted easily, it could be a pointer to the fact that you are stressed and it needs to be managed before it affects you at the workplace.
3. You Constantly Fantasize About Drastic Change
Thirdly, you’re in a fantasy world. Do you find yourself suddenly imagining what your life would look like if you won the lottery? Or if someone suddenly relocated you away from the country? Using such fantasies to escape your present reality is a pointer to emotional exhaustion.
4. Small Tasks Seem Overwhelming.
Similarly, when stressed or mentally exhausted, you suddenly begin to struggle with tasks that you naturally would execute. At this point, work seems like a big deal and you just need it all to stop so you can breathe.
There is this popular cliche that “every day is not Christmas”. This resonates the fact there are good days and there are bad days. Some days, we get to smile and laugh and joke around. But on some other day, the reverse is the case. And while we might have enough to spend on some days, we might not other days. And yes, this one fact determines how things run quite a lot. So, on very bad days, how do we get to control ourselves and prevent an outburst? And, especially on the days when you get to go to work and mingle with people. Now, this is something that needs addressing.
But first, it is very important to always nip in the bud any arising bad mood swing. And that is, by first locating the root cause of the foul mood. Without any doubt, the ultimate cause of bad mood and mood swings is when one is having a bad day due to certain inconveniences and hurdles. So say, you are self-employed and you are hoping to meet a deadline. But then, your meter ran out of power just as soon as you started working. You get off to renew it but your car is out of fuel. So, you get a cab only to be stuck in traffic. Now, for anyone, this is terribly bad and it can swing a bad mood. Worse still, wanting to call someone direly to find that your airtime is out and over can be very discouraging.
Now, there is an easy way out of this inconveniences that sour one’s mood. And that is VTpass. VTpass is an online payment platform that guarantees you absolute convenience with regards to the payments of your bills. Right in your home or office, you can, at any time, make payments for your everyday bills. And VTpass is very quick too. You make payment in three easy steps (-Log on -Select -Pay) and you get your service. Just like that. Talk about settling your electricity bills,TV subscription, airtime and data quickly, VTpass is one sure way.
So, since you will be logging on to or using the VTpass app which is on Google Play Store. You might not necessarily need or have a bad mood. But all the same, let us see just you can deal with a bad mood while at work.
You first need to see through you and admit that you are in a bad mood and admit it before doing anything about it.
Really, this is the safest way to dealing with a bad mood while at work. Pretend you are neck deep in work and don’t say too much to anyone. They would not know of your sour mood. And you would definitely not hurt anyone if you keep to yourself.
Have you been procrastinating a particular task? Well, you have a bad mood and you need to exhaust yourself. So, get down to the real task and do it.
Music is the food of the soul and evidently the medicine for a bad mood too. So, plug in your ears and move your legs to your favourite vibes.
Even in a bad mood, laughter is not quite far-fetched from us. So, why not look inward or outward for that humorous thing and go on to have a good laugh?
Still, the best way to quell a bad mood is to face it head-on Whatever the crisis may be, look it in the face and address it squarely. When you successfully get rid of it, you will be better for it.
But why not altogether prevent a bad mood by preventing those slight inconveniences that get to you? With VTpass, you can wriggle your way out of any such bad mood by getting the convenience you deserve. Pay your bills with convenience. Log on to or download the VTpass app now.
If you got a penny, you do not bury it in the ground to gather dirt. You utilise it to gain more pennies. So yes, this is an anecdote that emphasizes the need to not just make money, but to use the money to create wealth. In essence, this underscores the importance of investments. So, you have been meaning to invest in some business or venture. But you do not know how to go about it. Or you are very sceptical about the success of the whole enterprise. Well, here are some few handy tips that will take you through how to make a wise investment. But first, you would want to learn how to make life more convenient for you through VTpass.
So, VTpass is an online payment platform that enables you to make payments for your bills easily and quickly. With or with the VTpass app on your mobile phone, you can easily settle your electricity bills, data, airtime, TV subscriptions and much more. And yes, you can pay from wherever you are, at home, in the office. And you get to pay in just three easy steps:
-Log On -Select -Pay
This is quite a good way to save time, energy and money. So go on and pay those pending bills by logging on to or downloading the VTpass app for Android.
So, moving on, here are useful tips to help your investment plans run smoothly.
It is very common to see people who want to invest in one thing or another. But they don’t know a nickel about whatever it is they are investing in. They trust the judgement of other people. And they believe things will work well if they put in good money and hire great people. This isn’t how it should be. Whatever it is you are going into, you have to learn the trade. You necessarily don’t have to be a PRO in the field. But you need just enough to keep you above your game. This is especially for those who want to go into stocks or cryptocurrency, not knowing what it all about can wreck an investor.
Another mistake people make is getting the feeling they can do so many things at the same time. As much as being a serial entrepreneur is possible, there is the need to centralize on just one thing. The other things you do should be able to adjust or evolve to that one cause you are out to accomplish. Let’s say, you want to start a restaurant. It wouldn’t make sense to still want to start up a website company at the same time. But then, starting with a restaurant, giving it all the attention it deserves and then expanding it to a hotel or supermarket is a reasonable sort of two-timing.
Following up on the last point, for your investment to be profitable, you need to see where you want your money to be even before it is there. You need to set goals. Your investment will become what you want it to be. So, dream big and work at it.
Right in this world we are, there are very many opportunities out there. So your investment need not be your investment alone. You can go out there and act on leveraging the several opportunities available.
Now, the news is different from gossips. You can get useful tips about your investments by putting your ears to the ground, and listen for real-time news. But do not, for once, pay attention to the gossips around. And don’t take any decision because everyone is taking it. Know what works for you and stick to it.
Those who try to be rich overnight make their money from investments. And then, they go on to lose it all in one quick swoop. This is what greed and impatience can do. So, rather than trying to gather your retirement money all at once. Why not take it one step at a time. The sweetest of gains is the one that was bitter in the making.
So, you should now be able to put things in perspective. After knowing what you want to invest in, learn it. Then work your way up your own way. Don’t be distracted by the things on the sidelines. Look out for important opportunities. Grab it and keep doing what you know how to do best.
At VTpass, we love great ideas and we love to see people succeed. It is with this in mind that we are in the business of making life more easier for everyone. So that by logging on to or downloading the VTpass app, you can easily make payment for your everyday bills. Airtime, data, electricity bills, TV subscriptions, name it, you can settle them easily on VTpass. With VTpass, life can only get better.
Having a day off from work is quite an exhilarating feeling. But for whatever reason you are getting a day off, you sure do have something else doing. It might mean you are sick and you need some time to recuperate. Or you have a particular function to attend to and the likes. And just maybe your line of work gives a day(s) off per week. Anyway, a day off should be an exciting way to discover one’s self and live thoroughly without thinking of work for one day. So, we will be handing very brilliant tips on how to spend a day off. And yes, even with these tips, you still get to work on your other excuse for missing work. So, you do want to have a good time while on your day off. And you sure don’t want to entertain the burden of paying bills and all.
Well, why not trust VTpass to handle the bills for you. At VTpass, we work at ensuring you pay your bills in the easiest way possible. And at an effective speed. And have we been able to make this happen? Well, yes, we have. With the online VTpass platform,, customers constantly get to pay their bills conveniently. Also, downloading the VTpass mobile app on Google Play Store makes it all the easier. So, by logging on to or downloading the VTpass app, you get to make payment for your airtime, data, electricity bills and cable TV subscription. So yes, your day off can be very seamless and excitable.
And here are just the right ways to spend a day off
You know the whole talk about how great readers are leaders. Well, it is true. So, if you do have a day off, one effective way to spend it would be to read a book through and through and then go on to dream about it in your sleep. This makes you feel happy like you just did a very great thing.
Yes, most people don’t believe in the miracle powers of a spa. But if there is anyone true thing, it is that getting a massage from a spa or from a partner is way relaxing.
This is more like pay attention to a plant. It helps to plant something on a boring day and watching it grow over the next weeks.
You can go somewhere, to a restaurant to have lunch, to a museum, to a social function, to the moon. Just get moving. And yes, do remember to take your camera along with you. And be sure to take any exciting shot you find.
It feels good to look at a whole bunch of tasty food, and say “I cooked it”. So yes, cooking more than usual will not be a bad way to spend a day off. But make sure to have some evening get together so you don’t end up wasting your fine dishes.
Many thoughts swirling all over the head. You can write them down on your day off. It could be about your big dreams or your small cravings. Whatever it is, give immortality to it.
The most exciting way of spending a day off is doing something you could not do before. So, you want to learn to ride a bicycle or skate? Do it. Or you want to start a new course, a new language? Do it.
At VTpass, we believe that what is worth doing is worth doing well. This is why we work hard at making our payment platform accessible, convenient and fast. Why not log on to or download the VTpass app to make payment for your airtime, data, electricity bills and TV subscription? And you are sure to see us for what we are: the one-stop online payment platform.
In more than one ways, the newly released VTpass mobile app for Android helps any business grow. This does not just include startups but also already thriving businesses in their own right. So, you own a business and you are wondering about how to up your sales and get things going faster? Then you should go on to Google Play Store and download the new VTpass app for Android. In the meanwhile, here are very awesome ways through which this app will help save your business.
It saves time
It can be really much of a stress trying to make decisions as to when and how to get things on track. You want to go to a meeting, you want to balance your account and then, you still want to pay bills. That’s pretty much of a work to do. But you know what, by having the VTpass app on a constant, you get to settle your bills with ease and speed. So, you can get down to worrying about other things. VTpass app saves business time.
VTpass app saves money
You don’t want to know what it takes to go to a retail location, wherever that may be, and pay up your office bills. On VTpass, we make this extra expense go away. And we also deliver the best of services.
It ensures convenience
Being able to pay bills fast and easy from the comfort of your office affords you a lifestyle of convenience. This is by all means what Vtpass promises. So, by logging on to or downloading the app via Play Store. You get to have unlimited access to a life of ease.
VTpass app helps you earn more money
So, you are an entrepreneur of your own or you work in a place. But you are looking to earn some passive income one way or another, why not download the VTpass app and earn with it. By being a terminal agent and reselling such services that we sell, you get to earn big. You can click here to find out more.
So, you see that any which way, the VTpass app can help you grow your business. Why not make use of this opportunity and go ahead to download the new VTpass mobile app for Android on Google Play Store.
In all considerations, Monday signals a great day, a day when employees and employers alike can start work afresh. After a restful weekend, most people get the chance to start the week on a very high note. This makes Mondays one of the most productive days of the week. But as wonderful as Monday may be, nothing stops the drudge of the slow and steady weekend from creeping into a boisterous Monday. Often times, most people are usually anxious about the week. They cannot seem to keep their eyes open while working. And if they can manage from keeping drowsy, they are most times finding it difficult to perform tasks. This is the Monday Blues. So, how can you manage to beat the Monday Blues and stay ahead of your everyday work life?
First off, have you heard of the one online platform where you get to make payments for your everyday bills the easy way? On this platform, you can settle your MTN, GLO, AIRTEL, 9MOBILE airtime and data recharges. You can also pay your electricity bills as well as your Dstv, GOtv and Startimes subscriptions. Inevitably, what this does is reduce your workload every day as well as take away the drudge on a Monday morning. VTpass is this online platform and just by logging on to, you can get the opportunity to control your bill payments, movements and work life. But then, there is still the Monday blues to deal with. How do you work your way around that?
Here are ten ways to do just that.
Let the weekend be your weekend
That the week stops on a Friday is a widely conventional phenomenon. Everybody knows that. But for some people, it just doesn’t work that way. The weekend is just as good for work as the week. During the weekend, they go on to open office emails, work late nights and they do not move an inch from their work devices. Eventually, when Monday comes, they can’t help but feel they was no weekend, to start with. And because of this, they end up dreading Mondays and getting tired during the week.
Get excited about Monday on Sunday
There is a way Sunday dampens your interest for Monday. You are nearly used to staying at home half naked, crossing your legs and watching the TV. Or maybe you are the outgoing type always finding a new place to visit on Sundays. Now, quitting all that to sit at an office on Monday or going back to your personal duty can be very heartbreaking. So, the best bet out of this is to start getting really enthusiastic about Monday on Sunday. You can think of those things you love to do at work. You can make a call to one of your colleagues and talk about the exciting thing Monday holds. In essence, something about work should excite you enough to get you ready for Monday.
Monday blues are usually consequences of your weekend hangovers. You can’t expect to have less sleep and do more work. What you need to do is change this lifestyle and start getting enough sleep.
Feel Good
Really, when you are in your best dress on Monday, feeling like you are on top of the world, no amount of Monday blues is enough to get you down. So you want to be good on Monday, then feel good first.
Be the best buddy of all
You want to make your Monday turn out great, then you have to make other people’s Mondays work out well too. When you get to work, be sure to put a smile on other people’s face. It will do a lot to brighten up your own day.
Breezy Monday
Ok, taken, Mondays are usually busy days. But is there no way you can keep your Monday light? Completing your tasks quickly will help make you feel great. And great is how you need to feel for the rest of the week.
Make After-work Fun
Really, Monday has been so made into a work thing that we forget that apart from 9-5, there are still other hours in the day. The thing is when we do realise that there is more to Monday than 9-5, we begin to want to make our 9-5 count. So, begin to make plans for after work on Monday. Visit a friend, have a nice church gathering. Go out to some quiet place and have yourself a nice meal with someone you love.
If it persists, ask yourself what you need to do about it
Now, for some, their Monday blues is a persistent thing. It happens virtually everytime. This is the point where you need to ask yourself what you need to do to make your Mondays better.
Whatever the case, VTpass makes every Monday bearable. By logging on to, you get to pay your bills in the fastest way possible. You can make payments for your airtime, data, electricity bills and tv subscriptions in just three easy steps with Or better still, you can download the VTpass mobile app on Google Play Store and make your Mondays even more fun.
Working is not quite something everyone enjoys. In fact, if it were possible, a whole lot of people would prefer to live without it. But then, to work is to be part of life; to work is to live. Because as Benjamin Franklin puts it, “it is the working man who is the happy man.” Needless to say, doing great work the easy and convenient way makes anyone happy. You can make your work easy, faster and better with VTpass. VTpass is an online payment platform that helps you pay your everyday bills in just three easy steps. First, you log on to Then, you go ahead to select your payment and pay the easy way. With VTpass, you can pay your electricity bills, cable tv subscriptions just as you can pay for your airtime and data. Now, maybe you feel you are not doing great work or you are beginning to feel the drudgery of hard work. Then, what you need is a work-life motivation.
Today is a motivational Monday and it’s good you begin the week by looking on the bright side of thing. Here are some motivational tips that will definitely up your week.
Always remember to fall asleep with a dream and wake up with a purpose
Turn your face to the sun and your shadows will fall behind you- Novemberschild
Work hard, stay positive and get up early. It’s the best part of the day- George Allen
Keep away from the people that try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great can make you feel that, you too, can become great- Mark Twain
All successes begin with discipline. It starts with you- Dwayne Johnson
If you want something you’ve never had, then you’ve got to do something you’ve never done.
Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come- Dwayne Johnson.
Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life- Confuscius.
Everyday you waste is one you can never make up- George Allen Sr.
Basically, it’s all about believing in what you do and then giving your best. At VTpass, we pride ourselves in giving our best to you. We are in the business of making life convenient for you by helping you pay your daily bills. So, you want to buy your Mtn, Airtel, 9mobile and Glo airtime, data? You want to pay electricity bills and TV subscriptions? You can rely on to help you do this the easiest and fastest way.
So, you had fun during the Christmas and new year celebrations, right? Your life took on a breezy, festive mood and you rested easy. But the new year is over now, the celebrations are over, so what next? Evidently, you get to resume back to everything; back to the real world, back to the rush and definitely back to work. And really, it can be very difficult trying to pull your head out of the cloud and focus on the tasks ahead. What you need is learning some work adjustment skills. And here, we will reel out those things you need to know and do.
But first, let’s quickly get some basic tasks out of the way already. You ever heard of VTpass? VTpass is an online payment platform that reduces your tasks and makes life easier by providing just the right platform for you to pay your bills. And that is through By logging on to at any time, you get to settle your everyday bills. Daily payments like electricity bills, airtime, data and tv subscriptions are paid off in three easy steps. That is, by logging in, selecting your payment and paying through the available methods. It’s quite simple, right?
Now, let’s get on how you can get back into your work life, in spite of the holidays.
Blend your work life with your natural personality
When trying to adjust to your work life this year, you can’t go all out and try to push yourself too hard. This will only make exhaust you on time. So, the best thing to do is to blend work into your natural you. Let’s say, you are not much of a morning person. Now, you can get to work and while away your morning checking emails and trying to keep your eyes open. But once they are open and you are wide awake, you get into work hard and tight. And if you are a morning person, you do not play with your mornings in any way.
Meetings can kill your enthusiasm, stay away
You know how everyone is usually in a frenzy to hold meetings with employees at the start of the year? Well, this might look terribly okay, it can be much of a time-waster. This is especially when the meetings roll over to several hours and days. Also, some meetings tend to instil fear and pressure into the minds of employees. So, you want to adjust well and achieve more. Then put a check on the numbers of meetings you attend.
Start the part of the job description you love the most
You know you loved the holiday so much that you hate your work more. This is usually the trend. Well, there must be some part of the work you love. Maybe the part where you get to call clients or get some data. Why don’t you start off on this good note?
Get into symbiotic friendships
Coming back to a cold, steel work environment with no one to talk to isn’t exactly the best definition of adjustment. In fact, it is prone to drain your work spirit on time. So, why not mingle with the good fellas and get yourself some friends to brighten your early work life.
Create a conducive workspace
Talking about a cold, steel environment, you will also need to make your workspace as comfortable and convenient as possible. This can mean painting your office a different colour, changing the position of things. And it can also mean putting up things that make your space homely.
Embrace the changes that will come
Of course, it’s a new year and new things will happen. You can’t work or think like the year before. You have to find a new way to work around the new things that hit your work chart.
Do not compare yourself to others
So, many problems come when people try to compare themselves. They point to a particular person who has a ton of work, and a handful of children by the side. Yet is still able to manage work affairs. And then, they wonder why they can’t be like that person or do better. Even though this is quite a good way to motivate one’s self, it does more harm than good.
Make apt and quick decisions
You will, however, do more if you are able to make quick and apt decisions. This will help you save time as well as focus your energy on more productive things.
Work hard, but work less
This new year, you have to make a pact with hard work. That is the way to go. But then, working hard does not necessarily mean you have to consume all hours trying to get tasks done. With a good schedule, you should be able to work less and get more dividends.
Know when you need a hug
It’s inevitable. We all get tired at a point and we need to get love and attention at that moment. As you work your way through the new year, you should know when you need a break and a life support.
Know when to do what to do
Knowing what right thing to do at the right time is one way you can make life easier and better this new year. Foresight helps make mental and physical tasks more enjoyable and fun.
Set goals and deadlines
More than anything, setting short and long-term goals for the year is sure to help your mindset adjust properly to the right ethics you need to adopt. As you are reaching out for something, you are sure to make every part of you agree with your plan, goals and deadlines.
Get on a successful year with VTpass. With VTpass, you are sure to adapt more quickly to the routines of work life. This is because you get to settle bills more efficiently. It is even more appropriate if you work for yourself. By logging on to, you can buy your Mtn, Airtel, Glo and 9mobile airtime and data. You can also pay your electricity bills and Dstv, Gotv and Startimes with ease. Life can only get better with VTpass.
As humans with a solid sense of purpose, there are many projects we have to build to completion. For one, we have the mind to build a house and own it. We also want to build a relationship with whoever we love. We want to build close ties with the people around us. And then we want to grow our bank accounts and wallets. At VTpass, we want to build a networked customer base that pays for their everyday services through our online platform at In essence, we all want to build a life. But then, at the heart of it all, there is one thing we should all want to build: a career.
A career might sound like the daily job routine you take up. Or the constant motions you have to go through every eight to five pm from Monday to Friday. This might look something like what a career is, but there is actually more to it.
A career is a long-term cause you decide to give and commit yourself to. In essence, a career is that one purpose you have decided to dedicate yourself to.
It might be just about anything. Ranging from commerce to technology to music and charity, there is always one thing we eventually get to love as we get to know ourselves better. And it is on this one passion we get to build our lives for the rest of our lives. This is, in fact, our career.
Now, many people might have caught a whiff of what they see themselves doing for a long time. But not many people actually engage themselves in acts that move them closer to the overall realisation of their careers. While they go on to take on deviant jobs that earn them good salaries. They ignore just what they are best skilled at. They even go on to dabble in extra-curricular activities that go outside the framework of their career. By implication, they do not walk on their career path.As much we can go on to get jobs and earn salaries, we should be career driven.
A career driven person will take out time to ensure that every daily endeavour undertaken is done with retrospect to the bigger purpose.
So, if you are bent on being an agricultural entrepreneur, it won’t make much sense to work in a bank for such a long time. Rather, you will be intent on working in a food production company for a while or being around a farm. Also, you will be particular about attending conferences and seminars that border around being farming and all. Likewise, a musician in the making will be hanging around the studios. He will also be hooking up with music producers and learning to play several instruments. This might be, in spite of the fact that he/she is putting up with a part-time job as a teacher.
Hence, a career path involves that line of actions you have to take to be just what you need to be. It is a year-round commitment to building and grooming a dream. A dream that you intend to see to the very end.
We, at VTpass, have found our lifelong purpose in serving you as well as many others who need to get their everyday services met.
Just by logging on to, you can pay all your daily bills such as electricity bills, DSTV, STARTIMES AND GOTV cable subscriptions. You can also get your airtime, data subscription and so much more through
If you have found your career, but you don’t seem to be walking on just the right path to its actualization. Then there are three things you need to change:
Your mindset: You would like to give that dream a special first place in your heart. So, if your definition of a career is still lodged somewhere at the back of your mind. Then it is high time you changed that mindset.
Your lifestyle: This is one thing you got to change. There is no way you are going to get that dream done if you do not change what you do. In essence, your sleeping and waking thought, your daily activities should tow just one direction. And yes, your nine to five is just as important as any other time in your life. So you might also need to change just what you do at that time.
Your association: Your closest pals and your distant acquaintances, they are just as important in your career walk. So, you should surround yourself more with people who share the same dream as yours.
You need a billing partner that can help take care of everyday bills as you go on to make your dream work? Then try VTpass. As an online payment platform, www, makes it possible for you to pay all your bills with speed and convenience. Recharge your phone, renew your data, TV subscriptions and pay your electricity bills with
Today is a new day that brings along with it, the promise of better things and new possibilities. Concomitantly, the world over is bustling with activities, with feet stamping to work, businesses opening and new work strategies being unfolded. But as the whole world moves forward towards a microchip revolution, it is becoming clearer that working hard or expending more energy does not in any way mean working better. And it certainly does not guarantee a better way of living. In realising this, we at gun more for a work-smart life rather than work-hard ethics. Are you such one that shares the same mindset as we do? Then you will find our service at very handy and helpful. is your one-stop online payment platform where you get to perform all sorts of payments in record time. Not just that, you can pay these pending bills from anywhere you are and at any time. It is quick, easy payment at your convenience. So do you want to buy airtime from any network provider- Airtel, Etisalat, MTN, GLO– to make that important call or do you want to buy data subscription so as to stay current and connected?
Maybe you need to pay for that electricity on which your enterprise run and buy your DStv,GOtv and Startimes subscription to keep your clients in line, do not go far. All you need do is log on to Click on the payment you want to make, select the options presented to you and pay. helps you save time and conveniently spur your business to its peak. Be the very best at what you do by partnering with Let us help you transcend all spatial and temporal limits.
In light of this, there are certain work smart tips you will find insightful while you get around to performing your tasks this week. We will be bringing you new insights every each Monday. Stay with us and watch your business grow.
Activate your work mood on Sunday
The reason why Mondays have remained unappealing to most people is that they forget over the weekend that Monday ever exists. Hence, they walk into every Monday and into their workplaces carrying over their shoulders the slugs of tasks that they had left undone on Friday. Why not lighten your Mondays and work better by activating your work mood on Sunday?
This does not mean you can’t have all the fun you want over the weekend or that you have to turn your centre table into a desk to address your slush pile of work related activities. It only means that you should get certain tasks done on Sunday so as to keep your mind actively keen on tackling greater tasks on Monday.
So while you are at the club with your peeps or at home with your family, watching TV and treating yourself to a great meal, you can as well reply those pending emails sent to you. Call the people who have been at your throat for a while. You can set up an appointment with an equally Sunday-friendly person, order for the materials you need to be delivered on Monday and so on. Not only does this make you work-enthusiastic for the next day, it also reduces the load of things you need to keep track of for the new week. And this is being work-smart.
2. Be the first to waste time
Okay. You are thinking this is a covert way to talk about punctuality, and how it is the soul of business. Or how you must get up early to be work-productive. Well, you are on the right track. Quite alright, it’s good enough to wake up early, beat the alarm clock to its game and delve right into work.
But it’s actually better to wake up early enough to waste time and do nothing! Working productively is all about having the right mindset and the best way to grow a right mindset is by cajoling the mind into believing it is not working at all.
Be the first to waste time
And how best to do this but by waking up at that moment when you don’t have to rush to work, settling down to a cup of tea, listening to the radio, soul music. Even watching an early morning show, lazing around deciding what to eat or wear(if you have not settled this already), and then playing around in the bathroom before going leisurely to work. What this does is to leave you relaxed. As well as set the right mood for you to face the long day ahead.
3. First thing in the morning: Be a jerk
To get work done on time, you can’t avoid being a jerk in the morning. This does not mean you can’t extend the right courtesy or get all cosy with your co-workers. It only means that you should avoid any morning chit-chats, sweet talks or lax discussions.
Instead, you should get down to those urgent, brain racking tasks that you need to do.
Those who get to work on a Monday morning or any other day for that matter only to begin filling in their friends and co-workers on the happenings of the weekend or the previous day never get anything done.
And if they do get anything done, it is merely tacky and inefficient. So do not mind if your co-workers think you are a jerk for the best part of the morning because they won’t be able to resist calling you a sweetheart with the sort of bustling attention and cool gist you will shower them with after you are done with your most urgent tasks.
4. Nothing is as important as everything
A work-smart person will always see every task as more important than another, which in itself is more important. Nothing should be just too important to focus on while leaving the other duties unattended to. And nothing should be too trivial not to pay attention to. This way, everything that needs to be done, from the small task of checking the mails and messages to the big task of meeting a customer’s need, gets attention.
But this does not exclude the need to prioritise tasks. It only means that nothing should be so small or big to leave out of your to-do-list. And you are allowed to not carry out those big routines for a while so as to attend to tiny details, just as you can skip those small issues to attend to bigger matters. It all depends on how motivated you are to perform a task.
5. Appeal to your inner muse
Talking about motivation, your body can sometimes be so hell bent on doing nothing so that no matter how you prop yourself up to work, nothing productive emerges. You are at that time as dry as a stone. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself or chastising yourself for being lazy, why don’t you appeal to your inner muse? What this simply means is doing anything that makes you tick and lightens your mood at that point.
It can simply be plugging your earphones into your ears and listening to some of your favourite vibes. It can be eating your fantasy food or calling home to listen to the voice of your hobby and children. Even if you feel like dancing, you can simply nod your head at your table or take a stroll around while tapping your feet on the floor. Whatever your muse wants, just give it a go. But remember that there’s still work to be done.
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