A website is a collection of similar web pages made up of contents which are multimedia in nature. Normally, a website is also identified with a common domain name. And it is usually accessible on the Internet as well as the LAN. A website is meant to perform any such function ranging from personal to a public function. One such publicly functional website is vtpass.com.

This website emanates from the stable of VTpass. And it has been particularly designed to help customers make bills payment with ease and speed. Just by logging in to vtpass.com, you can pay for your phone airtime, electricity bills, data subscriptions and cable tv subscriptions. And it happens in just three easy clicks- Log on, Select, Pay.

And yes, if you are looking to take whatever you do in a global sphere. Then one good way to do this is by building a website. The advantages of owning a website are much more than can be imagined. It gives a lot of exposure to your business or whatever you are promoting as well as opens up a platform through which your customers can be effectively and conveniently served.

But what happens when your supposed website is so slow that rather than blow out your business, it keeps people away from visiting your website.

websiteYou would want to do something about this. I mean, it can do a lot of harm to your business. But first, you would need to know just why the website is slow.


Here are ten reasons why your designed website can be having hiccups:


Images are the spice of any website. They supply the aesthetical appeal to the techno feel of websites. But just like too many hands spoil the cooking, too many images also makes a website move from simply wow to very quirky and queasy. But not just that, it makes a website really slow. This is quite simple to understand. When someone’s mind is clogged with too many irrelevant memories, the very important ones might be skipped and issues might arise. So if you do not want to give your website a lot to think about, which slows down its performance, then avoid putting too many images.


Sometimes, the host provider can be faulty or there might be an issue with the server. There is quite nothing you can do about this except wait for the server to be restored to full performance. But if this issue occurs more time than you can bear, then you had better change your host provider. There are lots of options when it comes to web hosting services. For instance, we have Bluehost, Ipage, Sitebuilder and a whole lot more.


You want your website to look chic and mind-blowing, so you tell your web designer to give it all it takes. In giving it all it takes, a lot of Cascading Stylesheet (CSS) efforts must have gone into use. Hence, you have all the floating fonts, the colourful styles and dynamic layouts. But the price you pay to get all these incorporated might be more than you are willing to take on. For a lot of this styling affects the website and makes it terribly slow. To rectify this, you might want your web designer to take a closer look at the codes and take down the things overwhelming the site.


Similar to the use of excessive images, too much video uploads can also hamper the productivity of the website. This is even worse off as these videos weigh more than an image.


When the visitors on a website are required to make a lot of clicks, enters, log in before performing any operation, the website becomes slow and finds it burdening to respond quickly to all the requests.



This is especially for those operating a CMS like WordPress, Drupal and Jumla. Adding many functions and installing a lot of plug-ins can cause a website to take time to come up. Slightly related to this is the use of outdated CMS. Although this is not a regular problem, it is still something to take note of and check up on if your website is slow.


Imagine sitting in the living room and then needing a spoon to scoop up the ice-cream you just ordered. Because you are too tired or busy watching a soap to move your limbs, you tell your younger brother to go fetch you a spoon. Somehow, your brother ends up carting up to you the whole cutlery in the house. Of course, you are surprised, but your brother isn’t because he is quite sure that bringing the entire cutlery in the house was exactly what you asked him to do. He might be right or wrong, but whatever the case, what you got yourself was a bad query.

This can also occur with a website. Once a website gets to the point that the mySQL sends out bad queries, then that website is bound to be slow or even fail. You might want to consult with the tech experts to address.



When a website is being visited a lot, then the website might crumble under the excess weight of visitors and start operating at a less than optimal level. This is actually a good thing, though. No need to worry about this, it only means you are one step closer to achieving your intended purpose than you were yesterday.

In all, VTpass stays a reliable platform through which you can conveniently get your services easily. You want to pay for your electricity bills and DSTV, STARTIMES AND GOTV cable tv subscriptions? Or do you want to recharge your phone with MTN, GLO, AIRTEL, 9MOBILE airtime and renew your data subscriptions? Then just log on to vtpass.com.

It’s simple, safe and reliable.


If there is ever any one activity that will always keep people connected and tickled, it’s travelling. Well, not that kind of travelling you do to go see your relatives or take a new wife. But the adventurous, thrilling travels.Really, it’s fun to visit places way different from what you are used to. You not only get the tingle of changing locations and living a different life in a different time frame, you also get to learn many new, exciting things as well as pick up on some habits and friends that might just change your life. So, if you are looking for a new place to explore and spread your wings, you might just want to try out Jos.

Jos is the capital of Plateau State. And Plateau is one of the thirty-six states in Nigeria. Jos, as a city, has quite a reckoning reputation and heritage which have earned it a place in the heart of locals and other expatriates.

josBefore we get to talk more about Jos, you would like to know that VTpass identifies with this great city and its people. Our presence is beyond doubt felt as we have made it very easy for nationals to pay for their bills with speed. Just by logging on to vtpass.com, you can, from anywhere in Jos, pay for your electricity bills, phone airtimes, data subscriptions, cable tv subscriptions and lots more.

In any case, here are certain things you should know about Jos.


josEvery place has a history, no doubt, and Jos is not excluded. Jos is said to have been the natural home of the Nok people. These Nok, who were mostly artisans have since not been found on the Jos grounds. Instead, a group of farming population now inhabit the place. Also, the area gained credence when tin was discovered in its vicinity. This drew the attention of the British colonials in those days. And it also caused a lot of people to migrate there. So that, at the moment, the city actually contains a mix of tribes and people. Even till now, Jos is known as the Tin City.


Again, it would surprise you to know that this city was not exactly named Jos. According to some historians, the original Nok dwellers named it Gwosh. But when a group of Hausa migrants came, they could not quite get to say the word Gwosh. Instead, what they were able to pronounce was Jos. And the name just stuck over time. Not only that, other historians say Jos is a clip from the full name Jasad. The British who could not say Jasad or Jas just as well called it Jos.


josFrom the 2006 census, it is easy enough to say that Jos has a population of 900,000 people. But with the years gone by, this number must have increased. This is not to talk of the constant incoming of people who cannot get enough of the place.

  • Tourist Centres

  • josTalking about those who can’t get enough, Jos is a sweetheart site for most tourists. And it is also a choice getaway for holiday seekers and vacationists. Why is this so? Well, there is the numerous beautiful places in Jos to start with. Talk of the National Museum, the Wildlife Park, the Rayfield golf centre and resort. Also, we have the University of Jos, with its teaching hospital. You want to feel the pump of the academic world, then this is a place to visit.
  • jos One particular place to go see is the Shere Hills, with its Riyom rocks that just about looks animated. Then the Ahmadu Bello Roundabout, the Pottery Hill, Jos-Bukuru dam are places for art and science oriented ones to take delight in. We can go on and on talking about places to see. The bottom line is a tourist can never get bored in Jos.

Jos Electric

josSo, all of these sightseeing and fun will not go down well if there is no stable energy support to go by. Well, Jos Electricity Distribution Company is that radiant part of Jos that supplies electricity to the people. When you go to Jos, visiting them is not such a bad idea. But if you just want to pay your bills, you do not need to go that far. All you need do is log on to vtpass.com, pay your bill and just like that, you get constant electricity.

Also, you can pay for other services like your MTN, 9MOBILE, GLO, AIRTEL  phone airtimes and data subscriptions. You can also pay for your DSTV, STARTIMES AND GOTV subscriptions.



So yes, you must admit that a great place without a great food culture is not great. Then you would like to know that Jos is not lacking when it comes to food. For one, there are new, great, delicious dishes you can pick from the city like the Habib Yoghurt, Tuwo, Kunu etc. Also, there are really nice places to go if you want to be treated to awesome intercontinental dishes. Located in the Railway Terminus market is the Felak Burger Bistro and Meat Shop. Apart from this, the Net Cafe also treats you to great desserts. And for a great main meal, just find your to The Lass. Again, one good thing about this place is that food items, especially agricultural products, are very affordable.


josIn spite of the religious and ethnic clashes that sometimes occurs in this area, there is still a lot of peace and love between locales in the city. Also, the city is very accommodating and accepts guests well.


josNow, ask any tourist and one good news they will tell you about Jos is the climate. Jos is always very cool and temperate even at high altitudes. So that, every once in a while, snowfalls occur. The cool climate and airy atmosphere is one feat no other place in the tropical region of Africa can quite boast of.


If you already are thinking of visiting this amazing place, then you might like to know about Jos’ main airport. Yakubu Gowon Airport, that’s the name. However, there is also an internal airport called Jos Airport that transports people from Lagos to Jos.

  • So, at any time you decide to take a leap and cross over to Jos, remember this. VTpass, with its convenient online payment platform vtpass.com, will always be everywhere welcoming you with ease and in grand style.


The year is fast approaching its end and it is good we begin to go over our afore written resolution. This is to see just how far we have come. Inevitably, one agenda that will be at the top of our list is just how to make more money. The question is just how much more you have made over the past months. Maybe, you have not hit your target just yet. You need not get worried over this. You can make much more money than you imagined by partnering with VTpass.

Firstly, as an online payment platform, vtpass.com has made it possible for everyday payments to be made in a snatch. Hence, anyone can buy their phone airtimes, data subscriptions, as well as pay for your cable TV subscriptions and electricity bills. The reliability and security of the website, vtpass.com, has been described to be on par. And this has earned it quite a name in the mainstream.

However, more than this, vtpass.com has become a veritable path through which many now earn passive incomes and boost their yearly turnout. You might be wondering how. Well, here is how.


money,vtpassEarn easy by partnering with us.
Join the VTPass.com Happy Earner Program and earn money online.
We have provided all the tools and resources you need to earn a commision with VTpass

There are 4 easy ways to Earn.

Join our Affiliate Programme

glo,easyshare, shareDo you have a website? Earn Happy by placing our affiliate banners on your website.
You can also share our affiliate links or embed our links in your Blog posts.

You get a commission on whatever was paid for through your affiliate links.

Get started today.

Set up in simple steps

1. Activate the affiliate feature
2. Generate an affiliate banner code
3. Place on your website and watch your earnings grow.

Then you can monitor, track progress and make changes to boost your earnings.

Place our Widgets on Your website

Through our widget, people can pay for services directly on our website.

Embed the VTpass Happy Earners widget on your website and earn commissions on purchases made through the widget.

You can place on your website sidebar and you can also create a page for it.

1. Activate the widget feature
2. Generate a widget code
3. Place on your website (sidebar or page).

Promote the buy page on your website.

Seat and watch your earnings grow.

Become a Terminal Agent

Don’t have a website? No need to worry.

Become a terminal agent and resell our services in your area.

You can still earn on VTpass by activating the Terminal agent feature.

Suitable if you have a shop, a student or in locations where there are physical customers.

You deliver services to your customers and they pay you cash.

Sell VTpass services to your customers from your location and earn a commission for every purchase.

1. Activate the terminal agent feature
2. Top up your VTpass wallet for easy payment
3. Market your services in your location and start earning

Refer a Friend

Simply share your referral link with your Friends & Family.

Earn a commission on any purchases they make for the next 30 days.


How to Start

1. Register on the website, vtpass.com

2. Login to your account

3. Visit the earnings page/partner with us


Have you ever had something fail just at the point you need it? No salt just when you need to season your food. A massive brake failure just when you need to travel. A funny, heavy downpour of rain when you had planned to take your woman or man to somewhere ‘special’. Name it. Disappointments can be frustrating. But what is more frustrating than not being able to get a service just when you need it- airtime, data, electricity, and constant TV time. That’s pretty frustrating, especially when you need to make a life-changing call or send that one email that will turn things around for you.

service, vtpassAnd what is even irking is that these things that seem quite easy to get sometimes will not be accessible for very funny reasons. For one, it might be a public holiday and the all available outlets to get any of these services might be under locks. Again, you find yourself in any place where getting to buy recharge card, paying your electricity bill or renewing your tv subscription is as good as walking about, looking for a pin in the whole of Sahara Desert. You might be a little bit under the weather and incapable of going around or it might just be that the recharge card you end up buying has been used!

service,vtpassReally, there are lots of reasons you might not get your everyday services just when you need them. But there is one service that does not disappoint at any time or anywhere and that’s VTpass.


glo,mtn,airtel,9mobile,serviceVtpass.com is your one-stop online payment platform through which you can pay for any such service like your phone airtime (MTN, AIRTEL, GLO, 9MOBILE), Cable TV subscription (DSTV, GOTV, STARTIMES), Electricity bill and other services. Because of its widespread reach, you can utilise the services we offer at vtpass.com anywhere and at any time. Vtpass.com has proven over time to be the reliable courier to whom you can entrust the payment of your bills to be done with speed and convenience.And to make it even better, you can make any such payment in just three easy steps:

Even better, you can make any payment in just three easy steps:

Log on to vtpass.com.

glo, share,service

Select the network you want to pay for and enter the phone number you want to pay into in the displayed form.


It’s as easy as it looks.


If on any occasion, you feel the need to reach us as regards any such issues urging redress, we are always on hand to take in your comments, complaints or suggestions. You can reach us at any time through the following channels:

Email: support@vtpass.com

Phone: 08138752358

Support website: vtpass.com/contact

Live chat on the website vtpass.com

By lodging your complaints through any of these channels, your unresolved issues will be attended to as soon as possible. We are open to all and any of your suggestions and recommendations regarding our services.

So, if you have always been disappointed in various capacities. Then, this is one platform you are sure you will never experience any failure or frustration. VTpass.com is simple, safe and secure.


If you were the regular office guy or babe who has to stare at a laptop 24/7 and go global right from your small cubicle or closet at work, then you would already realise that you cannot, no, you must not rely on just any data provider to get vital work stuff done. There are various ways to buy data to keep your laptop plugged into the rest of the world and work more effectively. And one of these ways is through the many available internet broadband options.

Whatever the case, getting a good data connection and staying tuned has been made easier to access through the fast leading online payment platform, vtpass.com. At vtpass.com, you can easily make payments for your phone airtimes, data subscriptions, electricity bills, cable TV subscriptions. And subsequently, you can pay for your Broadband services.

When it comes to the internet connection, broadband is used to refer to speedy internet access that stays on at any point you want it to. It is also faster than the other conventional ways of accessing the net. In Nigeria, internet broadband has not always been much of an option until the recent past. But right now, Nigeria is one of the leading nations in Africa to which the superfast 4G LTE Broadband has been introduced. Despite still being a nestling sector in telecommunications, there are quite a few good companies who provide the 4G LTE Broadband services in Nigeria. And who are they? That’s what you are about to find out.



smile,broadband,vtpassDespite being a newcomer in offering broadband services, Smiles has become one of the three biggest contenders in the market. More than that, they offer the widest range of internet coverage. Starting from Oyo state and then moving to Lagos state, Smiles has grown at quite an admirable rate.

Recently, Smiles has partnered with Samsung to produce the first 4G LTE complaint Smartphone in Nigeria. Not just that, the portability of their broadband options and its affordability for all have made many say they are indeed the first 4G LTE service provider in Nigeria.


spectranet,broadband,vtpassThis is yet another very fast broadband service provider. They also have the advantage of being one of the first internet service providers in Nigeria. This is so because they commenced their operations in 2002. Usually, their service stations are very much accessible. Also, they have several unlimited data plans that are readily available. The one disadvantage to this network is that they are based mainly in Lagos and its availability.


spectranet,vtpassThe list will not be complete without the mention of Spectranet. They are one of the abiding internet service providers in Nigeria. And they operate at the seats of economic growth and expansion- Lagos and Abuja. Spectranet operates in the same manner as Swift.

At the core of all these broadband services is vtpass.com. Visiting vtpass.com grants you guaranteed ease and swiftness in paying for and buying such services as MTN, GLO, 9MOBILE, AIRTEL airtimes and data subscriptions as well as your electricity bills, DSTV, STARTIMES, GOTV subscriptions and so much more. And this can be done in three easy steps- LOG ON TO WWW.VTPASS.COM, SELECT YOUR SERVICE AND PAY.

Visit vtpass.com now for an easy route to convenience.



Are you ready to pay less for something bigger? Ok, this is not vtpass.com trying to get your heart to the skies by talking about our cheap, easy and convenient payment method. These words, are rather, in the voice of TSTV AFRICA. Yes, you must have heard of them. They are launching a Pay-as-you-consume TV on and we, at vtpass.com, have opened up an easy portal through which you can pay for their services. In any case, this is not the entire story. Apart from TSTV AFRICA who are launching in style, there is a whole new brand of entertainment hitting our big screen and that’s Kwese TV.

So, you might be wondering who has initiated yet another timely intervention in the Pay-Tv entertainment sector. Well, you would know in a bit. Do you remember the very first service provider that brought the sim card revolution into Nigeria, just in time to supplement the increasing patronage of cell phones? That’s Econet, right? It would amuse you to know that Kwese TV is a brand of Econet Media Limited.

Though they may be taking the underground tunnels this time around, Kwese TV is coming strong into the Nigerian market, just as well as TSTV. And they cannot be underappreciated as they are, in more ways than one, taking Pay-TV to a whole new different level.


kwese tv,vtpassFirst off, Kwese TV is taking audiences beyond TV into several other realms that were once thought unimaginable. Not only can you watch Kwese TV on your TV via the satellite, you can also watch it on your TV via the Internet. This can be done through a medium called Kwese Play. As if this is not enough, Kwese TV also has an app so that you can watch on the go. This is called the Kwese App.

Again, there are pretty amazing tv channels that probably you have come across on other Pay-TVs. But some channels are absolutely new and innovative. For instance, we have channels like Arsenal media, Safe Entertainment etc.

Even as Kwese TV continues to penetrate the market, be sure that vtpass.com will, waste no time, in opening a portal that assures you quick and easy payment for all of Kwese TV’s services, ranging from the payment for their physical satellite to the internet access and access to the mobile app.

Also, vtpass.com offers easy and convenient payments for your 9mobile, Airtel, MTN and GLO airtime and data subscriptions. We also allow for ease and convenience in the payment of your DSTV, STARTIMES, GOTV subscriptions and electricity bills.


Here is a story you would like to hear:

Once upon a season, there lived a girl named Tiwalade. She is a Lagosian, an OAP (Online Air Personality) and she is fat. Now she wants to lose weight and really fast too. She is further propelled to burn out her extra calories due to a heartbreak from her boyfriend, Kola, her mother’s Holy Spirit cajolings and a severe intimidation in the hands of her slim, prim and beautiful sister, Shalewa. But hey, in her down moment, Tiwa hooks up with interesting guys, guys that would have been considered suitable for only skinny girls.

ndani,skinny girls in transit, vtpassWell, by now, you should already have gotten the gist. It’s Ndani TV’s very own Skinny Girls in. Transit. And if you followed up with the seasons as they were reeled out on YouTube, you would agree that the skit was a thriller, a comedic bombshell and a sizzling Nigerian romance. This was until they pulled the plug with their season three, leaving Mide and Tiwa’s fiery kiss stamped on the minds of fans and subscribers. ndani.,vtpass,skinny girls in transitThe countdown to season four had begun since then.

Now, it seems the wait is over. Courtesy of Ndani TV and GT Bank, Skinny Girls in Transit Season four is due to begin on the 29th of September. You can now get back to sitting cheerily and comfortably, loading a carton of popcorn in your stomach, while watching your locally brewed Skinny Girl in Transit.


ndani, skinny girls in transitThis is the more reason you should not stray too far from vtpass.com. Logging into vtpass.com saves you a whole wealth of time, stress and good Skinny Girls in Transit fun. It really can piss one off if you are on a dope episode on YouTube and data just expires. You would have to go through the whole charade of going down to buy airtime, remembering some code… Now that ain’t funny. But you can prevent this from actually happening by logging on to vtpass.com and paying straight on for your data subscription.

With vtpass.com, you can equally pay for your 9mobile, Airtel, MTN, GLO phone airtime without stress. Also, you can pay for your electricity bills as well as renew your DSTV, GOTV AND STARTIMES subscriptions, as soon as possible. And you know the best part, you can pay from anywhere and at any time with vtpass.com. So why don’t you go on and log on to vtpass.com so as to thoroughly enjoy Ndani TV’s thrilling romance? Who knows, but you might just get some useful tips on how to meet and know the right one.


The first question that will be on your lips is what is an API?

Well, here is a textbook definition:

An API stands for “Application Programming Interface.” An API is a set of commands, function, protocols and objects that programmers can use to create software or interact with an external system. It provides developers with standard commands for performing common operations so they do not have to write the code from scratch.

But not all of us are computer geeks or nerds. Ok, most of us are not. So here are simple, fun ways of understanding what an Application Programming Interface (API)  is:

You buy an extension, which you intend using to charge your phone, laptop and the likes. For the extension to work, you are not going to plug straight to the transformer next to your house, or the wire transmitting electric current to you, right? No, you need an interface. Something that can stand in the gap and collect the energy from the electric current down to you. You need a socket. This socket which is usually connected to a wire on the wall serves as an interface to which you plug your extension. This in response to the interface, enables you to charge your phone and any other thing.

The API is just like that socket, except it is something you can’t see and it has more to do with the internet world.


You want to buy rice and chicken from your favourite restaurant. Now, do you just go into the kitchen where it is being cooked or stored? And then demand a plate of rice and chicken? Of course, not, there is an attendant, a waiter. In this case, an interface that delivers your request for a hamburger to the kitchen staff. They in response to your request, hand over the food to the waiter, who will, in turn, place it before you. And then, lunch or dinner is served. Or breakfast, if you are the one that does late meals or does not fancy the routine bread, tea and egg.

The waiter has served as an API, relaying messages for you all in a bid to deliver a service. You must have guessed by now that in the real sense, the person making the request is not a person, but codes. Just like the waiter and kitchen staff responding to the requests are are all codes.

So, simply put, APIS are messengers that take requests from a user end, go to the right quarters to deliver the message.  And then relays back an answer to the user again. In a technical sense, you use an API when you employ the code written by someone else or their database for your own purpose, or to service your own website.


There are a lot of ways knowing how the API works can profit an average online business person. Say, you have a natural hair blog that sometimes needs to display videos. You might not have these videos at all. But by integrating Youtube’s API to your site, these videos can be displayed on your site.

It is through this the API that many videos on YouTube get featured on sites that clearly are not Youtube. Another easy way of using API is having a website where you need people to sign in or login. Because you know Google or Facebook already have the sign in feature which is way professional.  On proper request, you can simply use Google or Facebook’s sign in feature. So that, what you will have on your own website is “sign in with Google or Login with Facebook”. You might be nodding in understanding right now. That’s good, but there is something even better.


vtpass,apiVtpass.com is your one-stop online payment platform through which you can pay for any such service like your phone airtime, Cable TV subscription, Electricity bill and other services. Because of its widespread reach, you can utilise the services we offer at vtpass.com anywhere and at any time. All that needs be done is:

Login to vtpass.com.

Select the service you want to pay for and enter the necessary details.


And if you want to do bigger things as an IT brain, you can integrate Vtpass.com’s API into your website or application and begin to sell any of these services to those in contact with your website or app. What this means is that you get to resell such services as 9mobile, MTN, GLO,  Airtel airtime and data subscriptions, electricity bills for almost all electricity distribution companies, educational payments such as WAEC Scratch Card, cable TV subscriptions and so much more. And if you are not the technical specialist, but you have a website through which you can sell our services, you can consult your web developer or programmer who will, in turn, visit our website vtpass.com or consult our support centre and make you a retailer of our services.

And if you are not the technical specialist. But you have a website through which you can sell any of our services. You can consult your web developer or programmer. The programmer will, in turn, visit our website vtpass.com or consult our support centre. And make you a retailer of our services. But the first step is logging into vtpass.com and trying your hands on the services we sell such as phone airtime, electricity bills, data subscriptions, DStv, Startimes and GOtv subscriptions and so on. This first step will definitely take you off guard into a place of greater beginnings.



Following the privatisation of PHCN (Power Holding Company of Nigeria), several different electricity companies are now responsible for the disbursal of electricity and the handling of electricity payments. What this has done is decentralise the means for the payment electricity bills so that they are now paid based on where individuals live. The distribution companies as they stand presently include the following.


Ikeja Electric Distribution Company (IKEDC)- Solely for those on the mainland, (Ikeja and environs).

Port-Harcourt Electricity Distribution Company (PHED)- Cross-River, Akwa-Ibom, Bayelsa and River states.

Eko Electricity Distribution PLC– For those on the island (Lagos and Agbara regions).

Abuja Electricity Distribution Company (AEDC)-– Federal Capital territory, Kogi State, Niger State, Nassarawa State.

Jos Electricity Distribution PLC– Benue, Bauchi, Gombe, Plateau states, Saminaka in Kaduna state.

Kano Electricity Distribution Company (KEDC)- Kano, Katsina, Jigawa.


There are a few more electricity companies, who like the ones here, own and maintain the distribution network and support equipment within the zone. These companies also manage meter installation and servicing, billing, coordinate consumer credit service and collect revenue. It is no gainsaying that despite a reasonable distribution of zones, the reach of these distribution companies does not at all span the length and breadth of the country.

More so, it can be quite a handful trying to understand the workings of these companies, especially if you are just a consumer using power to meet your everyday needs. What can be more of a handful, though, is going through the process of paying for your electricity bill. Rather than worry about companies and distribution centres, why don’t you merely cross over to vtpass.com, an online payment platform, that ensures a speedy and convenient payment of your electricity

Rather than worry about companies and distribution centres, why don’t you merely cross over to vtpass.com? Vtpass.com is an online payment platform, that ensures a speedy and convenient payment of your electricity bills.

Just by logging in to vtpass.com, you can pay for your electricity bill without bulging from where you are and have your electricity token sent to you almost immediately. On this site, vtpass.com, you can also pay for your 9mobile, Airtel, MTN, GLO airtime and data subscription as well as your DStv, GOtv, Startimes subscription. To make payment into any of the electricity companies, simply click on the one you want to pay into.


Great Friday, great life. It is yet another weekend and what better way to enjoy it than to catch up with the distant friends and families that you miss. It is with this in mind that you would want to keep your phone actively online and buy as much data as you can afford.

Remarks on end have shown that Airtel has proven to be topmost in offering fast network services and cheap data bundles. Well, if you don’t believe in cheap, the Airtel data bundles that will be listed below all come with 10% bonuses. Ten extra percent of any data bundle you subscribe. Of course, this will really come in handy for you. Way too handy, in fact.

So below is a list of Airtel data bundles with ten percent extras and how you can in the quickest time subscribe to them.

List of Airtel Data Bundles

#50- 10MB + 10% BONUS- 1 DAY

#99- 50MB + 10% BONUS- 1 DAY

#200- 200MB + 10% BONUS- 3 DAYS

#300- 350MB + 10& BONUS- 7 DAYS

#500- 750MB + 10% BONUS- 14 DAYS

#1000- 1.5GB + 10% BONUS FOR SOCIAL MEDIA- 30 DAYS

#2000- 3.5GB + 10% BONUS FOR SOCIAL MEDIA- 30 DAYS




#5000- 10GB + 10% BONUS- 30 DAYS

#8000- 16GB + 10% BONUS- 30 DAYS

#10, 000- 22GB + 10% BONUS- 30 DAYS

#15, 000- 30GB + 10% BONUS- 60 DAYS

#36, 000- 50GB + 10% BONUS- 180 DAYS

#70, 000- 100GB + 10% BONUS- 365 DAYS

#136, 000- 200GB + 10% BONUS- 365 DAYS

Wondering how to subscribe to these amazing offers? Well, JUST CLICK ON THE ONE YOU WANT TO SUBSCRIBE TO. Yes, it’s that simple. Once, you click on it, you will be redirected to vtpass.com where you can enter in your details, pay for it and get your bundle.


gloVtpass.com is your one stop online payment platform through which you can pay for any such service like your phone airtime, Cable TV subscription, Electricity bill and other services. Because of its widespread reach, you can utilise the services we offer at vtpass.com anywhere and at any time.

Also, you can send airtime to others, as well as recharge your phone through Vtpass.com. There is no limit to the number of people or amount of airtime you can send. Vtpass.com has proven over time to be the reliable courier to whom you can entrust the payment of your bills to be done with speed and convenience.


Sharing airtime with your loved ones through Vtpass.com can be done in three easy steps:

Log on to vtpass.com.glo, share,

Select the network you want to pay for and enter the phone number you want to pay into in the displayed form.


It’s as easy as it looks.


Registering on vtpass.com affords a lot of privileges that you otherwise wouldn’t have gotten round to exploring. For one thing, you can credit your wallet when you register. The vtpass.com e-wallet is a deposit avenue on Vtpass.com where you pay in any amount and can at any time use it to fund payment for your phone airtime or any other service you wish to pay for. Not only does this save you the stress and worries of paying for services in cash, it also helps you ration your expenses while still able to share and care for your peeps.


glo,easyshare, shareThe good news is apart from using vtpass.com to share with your loved ones, you can also earn more money. To start with, there is the Refer a Friend program, whereby you share with a friend and earn a specific commission of every transaction your friend performs. The Affiliate program is even bigger. By sharing on your website the banners of Vtpass.com, you earn a commission of any transaction performed through your website. Again, there is the widget program… Now, find more reasons to share and care for your peeps and pals. Visit vtpass.com NOW.