A website is a collection of similar web pages made up of contents which are multimedia in nature. Normally, a website is also identified with a common domain name. And it is usually accessible on the Internet as well as the LAN. A website is meant to perform any such function ranging from personal to a public function. One such publicly functional website is vtpass.com.
This website emanates from the stable of VTpass. And it has been particularly designed to help customers make bills payment with ease and speed. Just by logging in to vtpass.com, you can pay for your phone airtime, electricity bills, data subscriptions and cable tv subscriptions. And it happens in just three easy clicks- Log on, Select, Pay.
And yes, if you are looking to take whatever you do in a global sphere. Then one good way to do this is by building a website. The advantages of owning a website are much more than can be imagined. It gives a lot of exposure to your business or whatever you are promoting as well as opens up a platform through which your customers can be effectively and conveniently served.
But what happens when your supposed website is so slow that rather than blow out your business, it keeps people away from visiting your website.
You would want to do something about this. I mean, it can do a lot of harm to your business. But first, you would need to know just why the website is slow.
Here are ten reasons why your designed website can be having hiccups:
Images are the spice of any website. They supply the aesthetical appeal to the techno feel of websites. But just like too many hands spoil the cooking, too many images also makes a website move from simply wow to very quirky and queasy. But not just that, it makes a website really slow. This is quite simple to understand. When someone’s mind is clogged with too many irrelevant memories, the very important ones might be skipped and issues might arise. So if you do not want to give your website a lot to think about, which slows down its performance, then avoid putting too many images.
Sometimes, the host provider can be faulty or there might be an issue with the server. There is quite nothing you can do about this except wait for the server to be restored to full performance. But if this issue occurs more time than you can bear, then you had better change your host provider. There are lots of options when it comes to web hosting services. For instance, we have Bluehost, Ipage, Sitebuilder and a whole lot more.
You want your website to look chic and mind-blowing, so you tell your web designer to give it all it takes. In giving it all it takes, a lot of Cascading Stylesheet (CSS) efforts must have gone into use. Hence, you have all the floating fonts, the colourful styles and dynamic layouts. But the price you pay to get all these incorporated might be more than you are willing to take on. For a lot of this styling affects the website and makes it terribly slow. To rectify this, you might want your web designer to take a closer look at the codes and take down the things overwhelming the site.
Similar to the use of excessive images, too much video uploads can also hamper the productivity of the website. This is even worse off as these videos weigh more than an image.
When the visitors on a website are required to make a lot of clicks, enters, log in before performing any operation, the website becomes slow and finds it burdening to respond quickly to all the requests.
This is especially for those operating a CMS like WordPress, Drupal and Jumla. Adding many functions and installing a lot of plug-ins can cause a website to take time to come up. Slightly related to this is the use of outdated CMS. Although this is not a regular problem, it is still something to take note of and check up on if your website is slow.
Imagine sitting in the living room and then needing a spoon to scoop up the ice-cream you just ordered. Because you are too tired or busy watching a soap to move your limbs, you tell your younger brother to go fetch you a spoon. Somehow, your brother ends up carting up to you the whole cutlery in the house. Of course, you are surprised, but your brother isn’t because he is quite sure that bringing the entire cutlery in the house was exactly what you asked him to do. He might be right or wrong, but whatever the case, what you got yourself was a bad query.
This can also occur with a website. Once a website gets to the point that the mySQL sends out bad queries, then that website is bound to be slow or even fail. You might want to consult with the tech experts to address.
When a website is being visited a lot, then the website might crumble under the excess weight of visitors and start operating at a less than optimal level. This is actually a good thing, though. No need to worry about this, it only means you are one step closer to achieving your intended purpose than you were yesterday.
In all, VTpass stays a reliable platform through which you can conveniently get your services easily. You want to pay for your electricity bills and DSTV, STARTIMES AND GOTV cable tv subscriptions? Or do you want to recharge your phone with MTN, GLO, AIRTEL, 9MOBILE airtime and renew your data subscriptions? Then just log on to vtpass.com.
It’s simple, safe and reliable.