Most people have learned the benefits of setting money aside for unexpected expenses. Want to hear something absurd, though? The majority of deposits today result in losses.

But, surprisingly, even with these losses, people still insist on saving money for future use.

How is that possible? The reality is that your money will actually be WORTH LESS in the future than it is now. This is if interest rates, which the bank pays you in exchange for deposits, are lower than inflation. Saving money is still how we accumulate funds for significant life events like weddings, a first home, or a family emergency. This doesn’t mean saving is bad. And it is obvious without saying that depositing money in a bank is much safer than hiding it under a mattress.

It is also noteworthy that current accounts in Nigeria accrue no interest irrespective of the tenor the money is kept.  

Your money in a bank account can only yield 3% per annum. Instead of keeping your funds in a savings account with a commercial bank, here are 3 ways to use your money well.


The majority of people don’t know about fixed deposit accounts. Investment deposit accounts are different from savings and current accounts because they are investment accounts. By investing your money at an agreed rate within a specified period of time, you’re reinvesting your money at a fixed rate. Depending on the institution, accrued interest rates may differ.

Fixed deposit accounts are attractive because they provide a guaranteed return on your investment, as long as you leave your money in the account for the entire duration of the fixed period. This means that you can be sure that your money will be safe and that you will make a profit at the end of the period.

In certain conditions, you can terminate your tour account before the due date, known as tenor. 


You can utilize your capital in running a side business, or work streams that bring passive income. You can take part in a start-up if you have enough capital. With this you have the opportunity to invest in high growth companies for the future. 

This can be a great way to increase your income without having to put in the same amount of time as a full-time job. And, if you are investing in start-ups, you can potentially get a great return on your investment and benefit from the growth of the company.


Diversify your portfolio in your investment journey. Having all your money in one investment increases risk. If that single investment fails, all your money could be lost. Investment is a long term strategy for building wealth The most successful investor invests early, then allows the money to grow for many years before using it. Invest in diverse forms, and you will know what to do next. 

Diversification helps to spread out the risk of your investments. By investing in a variety of different assets, you can mitigate the risk of any single investment failing drastically. This allows you to create a more stable portfolio that can handle market fluctuations over time, while still allowing you to benefit from the growth of your investments.

No matter what you are saving or investing in, have a specific set of goals. Know what you are working towards, as this will focus your spending and motivate you.

If you are looking for a strong motivation to propel you into doing more, then it would be good news to know that can provide the incentive for you to work faster and more convenient. At, we make for quick and convenient means of paying all pending bills. Just by logging in to, you can pay for your phone airtime- Etisalat, AirtelMTNGLO; your TV subscriptionelectricity billsdata subscription and so on.


Data is life, or so you have heard from the famous Airtel television adverts. I often wonder how people cope without internet access due to the lack of data plan or not being able to manage your mobile data. The internet has become an integral part of our lives. As it provides us with access to information that was previously inaccessible. It’s also a powerful tool for connecting with people, for entertainment and for sharing ideas. Without internet access, many feel like they are missing out on so much.

And they are, they are missing out on so much. The Super Bowl was yesterday. Champions League continues this week, China accused the U.S. of flying a balloon over its (China) airspace. A lot of events have happened and are happening around the world that one should be aware of.

This blogpost intend to emphasise the importance of having mobile data on your smartphone at all times. These days, mobile data is money. If you don’t optimise your phone to handle it intelligently, you’re throwing dollars down the drain.

So, here are some insightful ways that can help you manage your mobile data:

Understand your data usage: To solve a problem, you need to understand the origin of that problem. What happens here is totally dependent on the model and type of phone you currently use. Basically, whatever model of Android phone you use, you can check your data usage from the settings. When you click on settings, find mobile data usage or app data usage. When you click on the icon, you will get a detailed overview of what actions, applications have been consuming your mobile data.

In addition, you will see the rate of increase over the past 30 days. In most cases, apps that consume a large amount of data are apps that involve streaming audio and videos. Social media applications fall into this category. Make a mental note of these apps. You will know what to do with them soon. Look closely at the graph. It gives you a breakdown of the data usage of all applications installed on your smartphone. This includes those that run in the background without you needing to open the app.

Reviewing mobile data usage to manage your data usaga

Remove all auto-play and ‘auto-download’:

This is a notorious culprit in the data hoovering business. To curb this, open all your social media platforms, locate their settings, and turn off the ‘auto-play’ and ‘auto-download’ menus. Videos are among the most voracious consumers of data, and social media sites play them without your permission. But guess what? It doesn’t take much effort to change that.In the Facebook Android app, if you open the main menu, tap “Settings & Privacy,” then tap “Settings” followed by “Media,” you’ll find a series of controls that’ll reduce the size of images and videos and keep videos from playing on their own. On Twitter, you’ll find similar options in the “Data Usage” section of the app’s settings.Most social apps have similar settings, even if they require a bit of digging.

Compress your mobile web experience:

Next up is an easy fix: making your browser less of a data hog. It can save a significant amount of data — as much as 60%, according to Google’s estimates — and actually make your browsing noticeably faster as a result. (Note, however, that it doesn’t work with Chrome’s Incognito Mode). To try it out, go into Chrome’s settings and look for the line labeled “Lite Mode.” Tap it, then make sure the toggle there is activated.If you want even more data-saving tools, try Opera Mini. The browser offers its own form of remote page compression and provides a variety of settings to control how much optimisation occurs.

Optimise your music apps: You use Spotify or Youtube music? Turn down the audio quality to low. This will assist you manage your mobile data better. Make sure your music app consumes as little data as possible. Try setting it to “Low” and then see if the more data-friendly audio quality is good enough for your ears.While you’re in the settings, take a moment to confirm that the “Limit mobile data usage” and “Don’t play music videos” options are activated. Be sure to look through the settings of any such apps on your phone to make certain they’re configured in the most data-efficient manner possible.

Try the light versions of apps and websites:

A growing number of services now offer scaled-down versions of apps — apps designed explicitly to use less data while still delivering reasonably enjoyable experiences. Even if you aren’t overly worried about your mobile data usage, you might find some of them to be preferable to the regular alternatives.Google has an entire suite of “Go”-branded apps for this very purpose, and as of this writing, four of them are broadly available: Google Go, Google Maps Go, Navigation for Google Maps Go, and Gallery Go.

(The others — including Gmail Go, Google Assistant Go, and YouTube Go — are currently available only for Android Go devices.) Facebook also offers light versions of its main Facebook app and Facebook Messenger app. Instagram has launched Instagram Lite. These apps are specifically designed to take up less storage space and data than their full versions. This makes them more accessible to people with limited phone storage or data plans. This will help you manage your mobile data.

Put the Play Store on notice:

App updates are a breeze! They’re also, however, often large — and if you aren’t careful, they can use a lot of your mobile data allotment. Make sure that isn’t happening by opening up the Play Store on your phone, tapping your profile in the upper-right corner, then selecting “Settings” followed by “Network preferences”. There, you can ensure that the “Auto-update apps” option is set to “Over Wi-Fi only” and also that “Auto-play videos” is set to “Over Wi-Fi only.” If you really want to go all out, you can also change “App download preference” to either “Over Wi-Fi only” or “Ask me every time” and then avoid downloading any apps on mobile data unless it’s absolutely necessary.

Download media in advance: The most effective way to cut back on mobile data streaming is to avoid it — and many multimedia apps make that easy to do. The trick is simply to download the content you want in advance, while you’re connected to Wi-Fi. So it’ll be locally stored and available whenever you’re relying on mobile data. And don’t forget that if you subscribe to YouTube Premium or YouTube Music Premium, you also have the ability to download videos from YouTube for on-the-go viewing (and that applies on your Chromebook, too, if you’re crafty).

Look in the “Background & downloads” section of the YouTube app’s settings to adjust your offline watching settings. Then tap the three-line menu icon next to any video on the YouTube home screen to find the download option (or open the video and then look for the Download button directly beneath its title). Spotify and other audio streaming services also offer similar options.

Optimise Account Sync Settings:

Your account sync settings are set to auto-sync by default. Keep auto-sync disabled for data-hungry apps like Facebook and Google+, which use sync services to sync files like photos and videos. Google constantly sync’s your data when a change is made. Most of these sync services might not be required. This background sync service affects both your data consumption and battery life.To adjust your sync setting, go to Settings>>Accounts. There you can fine-tune sync settings for different apps. To optimise Google sync, tap on Google, and turn off the options you don’t require.

If the steps are followed, it is believed that you will be able to manage your mobile data better. Meanwhile,  bills payment with is superfast, easy and very convenient. In addition, you get 24/7 access to our support team to help you through any glitch you might have. Why don’t you try us today?


a picture showing budgeting as a means to success


Budgeting is the first step to financial success. Oftentimes, we’ve heard people talk about how a certain commodity isn’t in their budget, and so they can’t afford to buy it. This drives the quest to fully grasp the concept of this economic terminology. Every individual’s goal is to be able to afford whatever he wants. In understanding people’s attitudes toward financial goals, the following assumptions about humans are true. This general attitude guides their approach to making and spending money.


  1. That man is a rational and social being. This indicates that humans possess the mental capacity to reason and think, which enables us to perform a variety of cognitive tasks such as concept formulation, assessment of ideas, and reasoning. 
  2. A need is a requirement for functioning and existing. Wants are anything that enhances the quality of your life.
  3. A person’s income must be greater than his expenses. If the reverse is the case, it is highly detrimental to the financial well-being of the individual.   
  4. A person must instill healthy habits to get the best out of budgeting.


This concept of personal income can be defined as all the earnings an individual makes over a period of time. Personal income comes from salaries, investments, and other assets the individual has acquired over time. Income generally refers to the value or sum an individual and business earn in exchange for their labor and goods.

There are basic expenses that an individual must pay at all times, and these are called cost of living expenses. The cost of living expenses might differ from person to person depending on lifestyle, choices, and family size. The common cost of living expenses includes feeding, rent, clothing, taxes, education, transportation, etc. 

To further break these two concepts into bits, income is money coming in, and expenses are money going out. Every individual’s goal should therefore be to maximize income while minimizing expenditure. Understanding these two concepts helps individuals project their financial standing and plan toward their goals.


Personal finance is mostly relative to the individual’s mindset, choices, and lifestyle. Certain individuals have no financial projections, nor do they have goals.  Having a financial plan is just like intending to have a fit body, and then taking steps to cut down on unnecessary junk food and registering at the local gym. In the same way, you plan for your social lifestyle, and physical body, this same energy should be directed toward your finances. 

Financial planning is a methodical process whereby a person makes the most of their financial resources by managing their money wisely to best meet their financial goals and objectives. We all know the health implications of eating too much, so we pay attention to what we eat and how we eat it. Likewise, you should also pay attention to the implications of spending more than you earn. A financial heart attack, including debt, bankruptcy, and a lifetime of bad credit, may result from continuously spending more than you make. A personal financial plan functions as a financial diet plan.


A budget is an economic concept; governments, companies, and individuals use budgets to estimate their income and outlays for a given period. Budgets are essentially plans for a specific period and are known to increase the success of any financial endeavor significantly. 

The objective of a personal budget is to minimize expenses and maximize savings. You can use the additional money you save by reducing your less-needed expenditure and raising your savings rate toward significant long-term financial objectives. Budgeting is essential if you want to control your spending, be ready for unforeseen circumstances, and be able to afford your needs without falling into debt. It doesn’t have to be tedious, you don’t have to be brilliant at arithmetic, and keeping track of your income and expenses doesn’t mean you can’t buy items that you want. It simply means that you will be more aware of where your money is going and that you will be more in control of your finances. 

The concept of budgeting is not to make you feel bad after spending. The goal of budgeting is to ensure you can save some money each month, ideally at least 10% of your total income, or at the very least, to ensure you are not spending more than you bring in.

. To successfully create a personal budget, you must first meticulously track your income and expenses. Making a budget is simple once you keep track of your money. Your expenditure is far more difficult to identify or track. You may start the crucial process of classifying all your income and spending once you have a complete list of all your bank deposits, outgoing checks, and transfers.

Having the right attitude toward money is the backbone of having a budget. 


The following steps will take you to a healthy financial budget   


Your net income serves as the cornerstone of an efficient budget. Your take-home pay is the sum of your income less tax, including other benefits. Focusing on your gross pay instead of your net pay may cause you to overspend because you will believe you have more money accessible than you have. Keep thorough records of your contracts, and compensations if you are a contractor or a freelancer to manage erratic revenue. 


Finding out where your money is going comes after determining how much money you make. This will help you cut costs by keeping track of and classifying your expenses. List your fixed expenses first. These are typical monthly expenses like utility bills, rent, and so forth. Next, make a list of your variable expenses, which include things like groceries, transportation, and feeding, among others, and could differ from month to month.


Make a list of short-term and long-term financial goals. Short-term goals which can be completed in one to three years might include actions like creating an emergency fund or reducing debts. Long-term goals take years to accomplish. Although your goals don’t have to be unchangeable, knowing what they are can inspire you to keep to your budget. For instance, if you know you are saving for a vacation, it might be simpler to reduce spending.    


The difference between what you spend and what you wish to spend is where everything comes together. To estimate your spending over the next few months, use the list of variable and fixed expenses that you have established. Contrast it with your net income.  Consider creating direct and clear spending limits on each category.

You could decide to further segment your spending by dividing it into wants and needs. For example, petrol is considered a need if you will commute to work in your car every day. On the other hand, an online movie subscription might be considered a want. When you’re looking for strategies to reroute money toward your financial goals. This distinction becomes crucial.   


All items in your budget may not be certain. For example, your expenses might change, you might get a salary increment, and you might reach a goal and want to set a new goal. Whatever the reason is, establish the practice of routinely reviewing your budget by using the preceding procedures. 


Knowing your monthly income and expenses will help you to endure that your money is being used for the best. A budget can help people who have a good salary and enough money left over after paying all expenses to maximize their savings and investments.

Any budget should concentrate on identifying and categorizing all expenses that happen during the month, quarter, and year if one’s monthly expenses normally absorb the majority of net income.

To end this, bill payment with is superfast, easy and very convenient. Just a few clicks and you’re done. In addition, you get 24/7 access to our support team to help you through any glitch you might have. Why don’t you try us today?

A Productive Rant About Electricity Bills

When do rants get productive? Well, this is a productive rant about electricity in Nigeria. Electricity shortages are a reality in Nigeria, and this rant has highlighted the need for sustainable and reliable power solutions.


“How did I spend this much on electricity in January?” I have other bills to pay too. “How did this happen?”

Okay, let’s stop here for a while and smile a bit. That is the agony of every adult Nigerian at some point in their life. You can’t imagine how much you spend on bills, the most important one being electricity. 

Electricity bills are hefty. They tend to run the pocket dry when they are not regulated. Against all the other bills we pay as adults, the electricity bill is perhaps the biggest. We heard of people who spend over 35% of their monthly income on electricity bills alone. This is not surprising considering the rate of inflation in the country.

As a Nigerian, having a monthly budget is often laughable because we tend to overspend that budget at some point. If we don’t overspend on transportation, the tariff on electricity will increase at some point. The prices of commodities and utilities are never fixed. This severely cripples the effects of budgeting. Back to our rant, guys. 

Major blackout,

One major event that kept recurring in 2022 was the power grid that kept collapsing. The government blamed the repeated grid outages on poor management and insufficient gas supplies. The grid collapsed approximately seven times last year, causing total blackouts every time. The government’s explanations for the grid outages were backed up by reports from energy experts who found that the outages were caused by a combination of insufficient gas supplies and issues with the way the grid was being managed. Poor maintenance, aging infrastructure, and inadequate staffing were all identified as contributing factors.

Electricity bills increment,

The steady rise in the bill is very uncomfortable in a country where the rate of inflation rises without a commensurate rise in income.  This is the backbone of our rant today. The electricity tariff went up by 18.5% in the last quarter of 2022. The implications of this are by no means minuscule. Its impact was harder than that of the Titanic against the iceberg that sank it. Monthly financial plan in the mud. . Just sit tight, and let’s unravel what works and what does not work in this Nigerian context. Since it isn’t possible to change tariffs, we can change what we can. To continue this productive rant about electricity in Nigeria,

We all started with post-paid meters. That sorta type where ‘NEPA” (we don’t call them that anymore) officials bring a bill to show how much electricity you have spent and how much you had to pay. Those bills were outrageous. If you couldn’t afford them, your power would be disconnected. The prepaid meters came along many years after. This has its own advantages and disadvantages. Ask an average Nigerian, and they will tell you their preferred choice.

Remember when you would stand outside begging NEPA officials not to disconnect you while someone ran to the nearest NEPA office to help you pay your bill? Those are stories now. Just like with Prepaid Meters, disconnection is unnecessary, with VTpass, going out to pay bills is unnecessary. Simply log on to or download the mobile app to buy airtime or data, pay electricity or education bills, Pay DStv, GOtv, or Startimes subscription, or buy insurance cover.

Experience seamless payments and get immediate value when you pay your electricity bills and more with VTpass.

Common Questions About International Airtime Answered

In this resource, we have common questions about International Airtime answered. That’s right. There are so many questions. We approached them and gave adequate answers. Yes. That’s exactly what we do. So lets get started.

Firstly, What is International Airtime?

International airtime is also called foreign airtime. It is simply airtime for countries other than yours. In this case, Nigeria. For example, Ghanaian airtime qualifies as international airtime. UK, United States, China, etc.

Secondly, Who Can Use It?

Anybody and everybody. Contrary to what you may have heard, anyone can use this product. You do not have to be traveling to buy International Airtime. Neither do you need to be vacationing. You simply need to have someone overseas. That’s all. An uncle, aunt, sibling. Maybe even a friend. You can simply buy International Airtime for them.

Thirdly, Why Would I Use It?

I know right? Why would I need to buy International Airtime for anyone overseas? I thought so too. The answer would surprise you. You might want to buy for a family member who is schooling. You could buy for a friend who recently relocated and is just trying to adjust to life. Possibly, you could be in a financial fix during your vacation and use it to settle some bills. There’s more here.

Where Can I Get It?

Subsequently, the most trusted platform to get International Airtime inn Nigeria is on VTpass. VTpass is the fastest and most reliable bills payment platform in Nigeria. It offers you superfast payment and immediate value on transactions. What more? You can get International Airtime on VTpass.

What Countries Can I Buy International Airtime For?

Consequently, you can buy International Airtime for almost all countries in the world on VTpass. That’s right. As a matter of fact, there are over 100 countries available on VTpass. You can see all available countries here.

How Do I Pay?

In the same vein, this is simple. For instance, lets say you buy airtime for UK on VTpass. Firstly, you select the country. Secondly, you select the operator. Next, you select the operator type/value amount you want to buy. Our system then helps you convert that amount to its Naira equivalent. That means, you get to pay in Naira.

Similarly, the process repeats itself for any country you are buying for. Our system will automatically convert it to its Naira equivalent. This means you get to pay in Naira.

In conclusion, you should get International airtime on VTpass for easy payment and immediate delivery of value. In the same vein, you can also buy airtime and data, pay other TV subscriptions and electricity bills, buy insurance covers and pay education bills on VTpass.

That’s it about common questions about International Airtime answered. Did we leave out any? Do let us know by dropping a comment. We’ll be glad to answer that also.

New Year, New Growth

It’s our first blog post for the new year so, happy new year, new growth yeah? Yes! We made it to 2022. The new year always heralds a new beginning, the start of something fresh, and an opportunity to start with a clean slate. Well, one thing for certain, it’s a new year!

However, the results you’ll get this year will be determined by the actions you take or do not take now. Growth is expedient to progress. You probably have plans for the year 2022, but have you planned to grow also?

When you grow, you make room for more. Do you want to increase your income this year? Grow! Need to upscale that business? Grow! Want to increase your earnings as a partner? Grow! Whatever you desire to attain this year, you need to grow in order to accommodate the desired increase.

This growth starts first in your mind. You need to grow root inward first before you begin to see fruits outward. You can not achieve new goals with last year’s mindset. The circumstances are different now. It’s a different playing field. This is the time to not just make plans but also set the execution wheels in motion.

It’s a new year but it is also time for you to grow. Learn something new. Develop a new skill. Add value to yourself. Get new contacts and networks. Collaborate. Start early, start now, because it’ll be 2023 in a bit.

At VTpass, we are dedicated to offering you the best and continually improving on our services, and so we also have a lot in the works for your benefit this year. Get ready, because we’ll be taking you on quite the ride!

Trust VTpass to help you start the year well with airtime or data to congratulate your loved ones, or gift them a quality insurance cover. Electricity bills and cable TV subscriptions are also available at the click of a button. Take this piece of free advice. Don’t pile up your bills. It’s too early to be owing!

How To Have A Detty December

Welcome to Detty December! It’s the final and most anticipated month of the year because everyone gets a chance to reset and recharge for the new year. The way your #DettyDecember goes will however go a long way in determining how the new year starts for you.

We put together a list to help you have the best of this December. Let’s go!

To Have A Detty December, You Should…

  • Have a budget.

I know “na wetin pass your power you wan dey do now” but January is not anybody’s mate. Remember that month has 365 days in it. The time to plan your spending is before you begin spending.

  • Pay For Electricity

You should ensure that you have light troubles out of the way before the partying starts. You can even buy units for January in advance. The peace this gives is underrated. You don’t want to run out of units when you have spent all your money. Take my advice, and buy electricity units now.

  • Renew TV Subscription

It’s December. Your TV screen will be filled with loads and loads of content to keep you entertained this festive period. You definitely don’t want to miss out on any. Remember, you will also have guests this month and will need to keep them entertained. Renew your TV subscription now.

  • Connect With Friends and Family

It’s that time of the year where everything seems to wind down a bit. You get to unwind, and take a slower pace than normal. It’s the best time to connect/reconnect with friends and family. You won’t be able to go out to see everyone, so you want to stock up on airtime and data.

  • Give Your Tailor Close-Marking

Take what your tailor says at face value at your own peril. Those guys are dangerous! To avoid hearing stories that touch, or your tailor being swallowed by a fish and reappearing in the new year, visit their shop o. That your cloth that they said is remaining just button might not have made it out of the nylon you dropped it in yet o.

Want to pay bills? VTpass gives you superfast payments, immediate value and a 24/7 dedicated customer support system. What are you waiting for, really?

BBnaija Season 6 Finale: Lessons From The Show

76 days after, we arrived at the BBnaija Season 6 finale in style! The show has steadily continued to gather a large fanbase over the seasons and season 6 brought with it twists and turns that viewers simply were not expecting. Whether or not you watch the show however, there were lessons to be learnt, and here are a few.

Be Humble.

Immediately the show started this season, every thought Maria was going to be queen bee. She thought so herself. Always in the conversations, pretty, great accent, she was the alpha female to beat, and she knew it. Alas, it would not be so. She was evicted at the beginning of the sixth week. Many viewers even thought Biggie was going to pull a twist to bring her back. That’s how powerful she was. It wasn’t to be so however. Turns out in this life, you have to be humble, or pretend to be. Even general Pere calmed down drastically the moment she got evicted. He got the message. Loud and clear at that!

Character over Content

Although the show and housemates are largely followed because of the content churned out, Nigerians will apparently not hesitate to call rubbish what it is. Boma and Tega felt they were giving us content when they were doing hanky panky in the house, they wouldn’t have expected the backlash that came with it. They got evicted from the show, Tega is battling to keep her mental health as Nigerians keep coming for her from all angles. Boma, to a large extent is less under attack. He wasn’t the married one, after all. Fair? We can’t say. Subsequently though, we doubt any future housemates will be going this route.

There’s Love, and then there’s Saga and Nini

We really don’t understand this Saga and Nini drama. First, Saga fails his task because Nini was angry at him. Next, Nini disappears from the house (her own task). Saga proceeds to make an utter fool of himself, crying, moping about, the entire works, while Nini watches him on TV. It was super obvious Biggie was involved. Nini couldn’t be kidnapped! The amazing thing is that Nini kept mentioning her boyfriend throughout the show. Now that the show has ended, we are waiting to see where things go. Those of you that have found love, please tell us, is this how it does y’all?

Food is the way to a man’s heart, only if you’re a woman

The eventual BBnaija season 6 finale winner, Whitemoney, found out the hard way. Despite the endless and relentless cooking done by Whitemoney through the show, he and Pere never seemed to connect, with Pere adamant to send him packing. It wasn’t until Maria was sent out of the house that Pere calmed down a bit and readjusted his strategy. It is quite interesting to note that Pere and Maria would eat Whitemoney’s food, but still go and nominate him for eviction. This life!

Be Original!

In a world filled with so much acting and pretence, real recognizes real. ex-housemates like Cross, Liquorose, and Angel won several hearts from their time on the show with their originality. Fans will confirm that Cross and Angel seem genuine, so it’s easier to connect with them, and Liquorose was free-spirited and lovable. Little wonder they made it into the final 6. Little wonder!

Know how to cook good food

Seems like a joke, but this rings true. It was debated endlessly if cooking was Whitemoney’s strategy or not. Right now, it doesn’t matter. He won and that’s on periodt! If you’re handy in a place others aren’t, you already have the advantage. You just have to know how to use it well. Find out what makes you indispensable, and press your advantage home

When it’s your time, it’s your time!

I remember myself and my wife talking about those we wanted in the final. She said something very profound. She said “Liquorose deserves to win it, but Whitemoney is graced.” That statement held true as both made it to the final two (we predicted the top 6 accurately if I may add). Whitemoney eventually won. Liquorose, JayPaul, and Whitemoney have tales of coming close to getting into the house in previous seasons and missing out but now, they got to compete for more money,. Clearly, it was their time.

Get a Business To Mind, Literally

As the BBnaija Season 6 finale came to a close on Sunday, Ebuka asked the top 6 housemates “what’s next” as they were being evicted. Practically all of them mentioned “business” amongst other things they were interested in going into. These are housemates who are already millionaires as a result of their winnings from the show. Meanwhile, Onome and Tunji will not go into business because they are still busy slaying. Continue! Sapa will soon come knocking on your door. Get a side hustle, urgent 2k has finished inside market.

Whitemoney is a clown

Ehnehn now! He has to be. He definitely has plans of joining the comedy industry. Or what else could he have meant when he told Ebuka that he wanted to go into music after the show because his voice cannot waste, Mazi! Which voice naaa…

As the curtains close on another season of the show and we eagerly wait for the next, remember that with, you can buy airtime and data from the ease of your mobile phone. Similarly, you can also pay electricity, and TV bills so you never have a dull moment. After all, you’re going to need content until the next show comes your way.

3 Things You Didn’t Know About Prepaid Meters

Prepaid Meters are the in-thing for anyone leasing an apartment or renting space right now. It affords the opportunity to be able to monitor your electricity usage and avoid paying when there is no power. Prepaid Meters, like the name implies, are loaded with units before you begin to use them. Pretty much like the airtime recharge system.

Here are three things you probably didn’t know about Prepaid Meters

1. Free Units Are Not Free.

Nothing is free even in Freetown, and this is Nigeria. When you newly acquire a prepaid meter, you will be told as an incentive that your meter comes with free units for you to use at first. When the units are depleted, you can now begin to pay. This is not entirely true. Yes, the meter comes loaded with units, but, they are not free. You realise this when you want to purchase units and are told that there is a debt on your meter. Some of us learnt the hard way, it’s better you are prepared in advance. So, when you get your meter, use the units that come with in with the knowledge that you will pay for it, eventually. It isn’t free.

2. You Can Calculate and Monitor Your Units

One of the major advantages of the Prepaid Meter is that you can track your power consumption. You don’t have to wait till your bill arrives. If you want to check your prepaid balance or know the amount of total credit used, press 07 on your prepaid keypad and hit the blue button. Your available balance will be displayed on the screen in this format (150.15). This usually works for most prepaid meters.

3. Making Payment is Easy With The Right Platform

Remember when you would stand outside begging NEPA officials not to disconnect you while someone ran to the nearest NEPA office to help you pay your bill? Those are stories now. Just like with Prepaid Meters, disconnection is unnecessary, with VTpass, going out to pay bills is unnecessary. Simply log on to or download the mobile app to buy airtime or data, pay electricity or education bills, Pay DStv, GOtv or and Startimes subscription or buy insurance cover.

Experience seamless payments and get immediate value when you pay your electricity bills and more with VTpass.

WhiteMoney and Pere: Lessons From The Saga

This BBnaija “Shine ya eye” edition has brought with it the usual drama we have to come expect of the show, and the latest drama is from WhiteMoney and Pere. Two men, yes. Unbelievable. Firstly, we are used to this sort of drama coming from the female gender. The two housemates recently came to loggerheads when Pere confronted WhiteMoney and accused him of asking a question in the Whisper game. He was wrong though, as was later revealed.

Subsequently, Pere refused to apologise. He said he had nothing to apologise to WhiteMoney for. Matters have kept unfolding since then and these are our thoughts so far:

WhiteMoney and Pere

What We Are Thinking…

1. You Can’t Argue Against Value. Pere banned WhiteMoney from the kitchen, saying he felt it was his strategy to be indispensable to the other housemates. No one can argue with value however. While it may be WhiteMoney’s strategy in truth, it’s a strategy that works. He manages the kitchen well! And his food is good if we are to believe what the housemates say. All the housemates have strategies anyway, at least this one is edible!

2. Learn Anger Management Now. People will always do or say things to provoke you and you won’t always be able to stop them. Improper anger management will cause you to be at fault even if you were right from the beginning. Learning how to fight properly is a skill we all need to learn.

3. Communicate Properly. Those in relationships will attest to the fact that how your actions are perceived is more important than what you say you intended. Pere took off his belt when confronting WhiteMoney. What for? Now it is being said that he pinned WhiteMoney down. You don’t own monopoly of interpretation. Ensure your communication is clear and devoid of grey areas.

4. Strategies, Strategies…? On the other hand, what if Pere just played into WhiteMoney’s hands? As a result of their altercation, WhiteMoney now has more people rooting for him. Could it all just be strategy for him? Are WhiteMoney and Pere just playing the game?

In conclusion, there are so many inferences we can draw from the latest of the action coming from the BBnaija house. And that’s why you shouldn’t miss out on any whether you are watching on DSTV or GOTV! Pay your TV Subscription, Electricity bill and other bills payment you need to do with VTpass so you do not miss out on any of the unfolding drama.