They say it’s summer time but all we are experiencing in these parts is rain, rain, and more rain. The last thing anyone needs right now is for rain to ruin the season, so, here are seven tips on how to survive the rains.
Don’t ever forget to close your windows.

One of the worst things that can happen to anyone in this season is stepping out of the house, then when the rain begins, you remember that you didn’t close your windows. Many have slept in nature-made waterbeds just because they didn’t pay attention to this tip.
Plan your outfits in advance.
This is the season in which your cloths can take up to one week before they get dried up because the rains can help you decide that you haven’t rinsed them enough. You would do well to do your laundry in advance this season.
Never go out without an umbrella.

Even if the sun is shining bright and making you sweat, don’t make the mistake of stepping out without taking an umbrella along with you because in 2 secs, your story can be changed by sudden downpour.
Rubber shoes all the way.
Now is not the time to wear shoes that are made of cotton or other materials that are very prone to water if you don’t want your footwear to turn into a sponge.
Dress for the cold.
As much as possible, ensure you step out with a coat, jacket or sweater in hand. Now is the time to wear thicker fabrics and protect yourself from the cold.
Eat Healthy.

You need to pay more attention to your diet during the rains. Avoid street food as much as possible and also keep away from raw vegetables. Maintain a nutritional diet that includes cooked vegetables, fruits, herbal tea. Now is not the time to fall ill.
Don’t go out if you don’t have to.
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