Tips To Reduce Your Risk of Cancer

World Cancer Day: Tips To Reduce Your Risk of Cancer

Tips To Reduce Your Risk of Cancer
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Dedicated to empowering everyone across the world to show support and raise a collective voice, 4 February has been declared as World Cancer Day.

While the term cancer prevention is still evolving with so many contradicting reports, it is widely accepted that the chances of developing cancer are affected by the life choices you make.

If you wish to reduce/prevent the risk of cancer, here are a few tips compiled from various sources including the Mayo Clinic Staff;

1. Stay away from tobacco

  Smokers are liable to die young

Tips To Reduce Your Risk of Cancer: Tobacco image

Smoking is often listed as a major cause of different types of cancer including cancer of the lung, mouth, throat, larynx, pancreas, bladder, cervix and kidney.

Smoking and chewing of tobacco have been linked to cancer of the oral cavity and pancreas. For non-smokers, exposure to secondhand smoke could increase one’s risk of lung cancer.

2. Stick to a healthy diet

Although eating healthy may not guarantee cancer prevention, check these guidelines to reduce your risk.

  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
  • Eat lighter and avoid obesity.
  • Take alcohol only in moderation if you must.
  • Limit processed meats; according to the cancer agency of the World Health Organization, eating large amounts of processed meat can slightly increase the risk of certain types of cancer.

3. Get vaccinated

Tips To Reduce Your Risk of Cancer: Doctor giving a vacine
Get vaccinated against viral infections

Cancer prevention includes protection from certain viral infections including;

  • Hepatitis B.
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV).

4. Get regular medical care

Tips To Reduce Your Risk of Cancer: Female Doctor giving vaccination
Get regular medical care

Engaging in regular self-exams and screenings for cancers such as cancer of the skin, colon, cervix, and breast can help with discovering cancer early when treatment is most likely to be successful.

Ask your doctor about the best screening schedule for you.

5. Stay physically active and maintain a healthy weight

Tips To Reduce Your Risk of Cancer: Father and son playing football
Engage in sports and exercise to control your body weight.

Cancer of the breast, prostate, lung, colon, and kidney can be avoided by maintaining a healthy weight.

For control of your body weight, engage in physical activities and exercises.

6. Protect yourself from the sun

sun protection kits

One of the most common and preventable kind of cancer is the Skin cancer.

Try these tips:

  • Avoid midday sun.
  • Stay in the shade.
  • Cover as much of your skin as possible or opt for bright or dark colors
  • Apply sunscreen often and generously
  • Avoid tanning beds and sunlamps

7. Avoid risky behaviors

It is advisable to avoid risky behaviors that can lead to infections which might increase the risk of cancer.

For example:

  • Practice safe sex.
  • Don’t share needles.

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